
Phone a Friend! Get a Final Answer how to advocate for your Library's Budget.

Administration at my institution had planned to cut my budget drastically for the next fiscal year. Once I was made aware of the situation, I called as many library directors as I knew so they could help me to advocate for my budget. I was a new academic Library Director and needed help on this. I learned many things but each different personality. All libraries are different and each library faces their own set of budget challenges. After speaking to four different library directors, I was able to brainstorm a list of what the library provides which is valuable to the college. Explaining the library's value in this way was new to me but I was able to understand with the help of my network. I had a meeting with the Provost and Human Resources which was challenging and I was prepared with job duties and responsibilities that were non-negotiable. My one part time staff position was on the cutting block. In the end, I was able to advocate for the library and keep my part time staff person on the payroll. Some questions for attendees would be what have you done to make connections with other Librarians with your job title? What do you think you could learn from someone with your title at a different institution? One takeaway is create your network now. If you don't have one, start finding people who can help you when times are tough. Second takeaway is to have your library valuable facts/ statistics memorized and be able to say them at any time to any one who will listen.