
Anita Anastacio

Document Type

Open Access Capstone

Publication Date



I have structured my paper as follows:

Chapter 2 of this paper provides an overview of the historical, political and educational context of Afghanistan out of which a project like Learning of Life, a health focused literacy project and the focus of my study emerged.

Chapter 3 familiarizes the reader with the theoretical discussions that have shaped the concept of literacy. I will do that by using a framework used by UNESCO (2006) that presents the theory using four approaches to understand the meaning of literacy.

Chapter 4 presents the methodology of the research I carried out by looking at the type of approach I used, its rationale and the tools and methods of analysis I used.

Chapter 5 examines how policy makers and practitioners who have supported, designed and implemented Learning for Life, are influenced by hegemonic discourses on development, gender and literacy of its institutions. Here I use one of the four approaches: "literacy understood as text."

Chapter 6 explores current literacy practices in a village where women were enrolled in the LFL literacy class. Using the approach of the New Literacy Studies (Street, 1984) it moves from practices to concentrate literacy events.

Chapter 7 reviews the original intent of my research and looks at how thoughtfully examining and understanding literacy and numeracy practices is a first critical step in planning meaningful literacy programs for Afghan women. This chapter also discusses implications of policy and programming offering suggestions for further research and inquiry.


