
North Pacific Division Fish Facilities Manual




Army Corps of Engineers, Bonneville Dam, fish passage, Menary Dam, fish facility, design, adult, juvenile


Fish passage facilities at Corps of Engineers' projects throughout North Pacific Division (NPD) include many complex and unprecedented design concepts. Moreover, onsite testing and experience with each passage system has led to design modifications in the existing and subsequent systems. the result is a series of dissimilar fish facilities incorporating features unfamiliar to individuals involved in fish passage design, evaluation, or research. The purpose of this manual, then, is to acquaint the reader with existing adult and juvenile fish passage facilities at NPD projects. If additional technical data for a particular system is desired, we suggest the pertinent design memorandum (available at the project or District office) be consulted. Because existing fish passage facilities are being continually upgraded, and new facilities are still being constructed, the Corps recognizes that some information in the manual will become obsolete. The manual will be updated periodically to keep the information current.

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