

Although some general definitions classify Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) as technological standards, institutional and even political agreements, which allow the discovery and use of geospatial information by users for different purposes [Kuhn 2005], computationally this platforms are valuable data repositories that should reach people efficiently and effectively for analysis and decision making on issues of collective interest. Costa Rica has several SDIs experiences at national level (SNIT - http://www.snitcr.go.cr), regional level (IDEHN - http://www.idehn.tec.ac.cr) or local/cantonal level (IDESCA - http://idesca.cr). Those infrastructures can facilitate access between geospatial information managers and their consumers through the implementation of particular software applications. The following work shows the experience of developing applications supported by open source software solutions (mainly OSGeo’s software), consuming local SDIs data in accordance with the realities of the region and geospatial data producers.





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