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Physical Review E


We study a two component nonlinear Schrodinger system with equal, repulsive cubic interactions and different dispersion coefficients in the two components. We consider states that have a dark solitary wave in one component. Treating it as a frozen one, we explore the possibility of the formation of bright solitonic structures in the other component. We identify bifurcation points at which such states emerge in the bright component in the linear limit and explore their continuation into the nonlinear regime. An additional analytically tractable limit is found to be that of vanishing dispersion of the bright component. We numerically identify regimes of potential stability, not only of the single peak ground state (the dark bright soliton), but also of excited states with one or more zero crossings in the bright component. When the states are identifies as unstable, direct numerical simulations are used to investigate the outcome of the instability development. Although out principal focus is n the homogeneous setting, we also briefly touch upon the counter intuitive impact of the potential presence of a parabolic trap on the states of interest.


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