The Influence of Nationality and Service Quality on Positive Affect, Negative Affect and Delightedness
This study examined the interaction effect of nationality and dimensions of service quality on positive affect, negative affect and delightedness. Participants (n=216) viewed eight video clips of staged service encounters. Video clips ranged from 5-8 minutes in duration. Based on an orthogonal design, each video depicted a unique combination of levels of five service quality dimensions: reliability, responsiveness, empathy, tangibles, and assurance (Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry 1988). Following each clip, participants were asked to complete self-report measures of positive affect, negative affect and delightedness. Data were analyzed using linear mixed model procedures. The presence or absence of each service quality dimension in the model was indicated with dummy vectors. Results indicate that service experience of guests is substantially affected by the five service quality dimensions; those dimensions did interact with culture/nationality. The interaction between nationality and reliability, assurance, and empathy was significant for all three outcome variables (delightedness, positive affect, and negative affect). In the analysis of positivity of affect, the interaction of tangibles and nationality was also significant. For negative affect, significant interactions were observed for four of the five service quality factors: reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. For delightedness, significant interactions were observed for reliability, assurance, and empathy. This study suggests that service providers might optimize guest experiences by focusing on preparation of staff to meet empathy, reliability, and assurance needs of guests, in addition to the other service quality dimensions.