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Networks are abound in our everyday lives, from disaster response networks to cellular networks to social networks. In this workshop, we will introduce the different types of networks and how Industrial Engineering is used to model these networks. Next, we will describe current social network modeling research done at UMass. Finally, we will delve into hands-on activities that include social network analysis, such as the clustering of people into groups, and modeling of the spread of ideas in a social network, such as how tweets spread on Twitter.

SESS-Networks_Research rev.pptx (5727 kB)
Examples of Social Network Research

Eliminating HIV in US rev.pptx (1510 kB)
How to reach zero HIV incidence in the US?

NetLogo-DownloadGuide.docx (114 kB)
How to Download NetLogo

NW General Examples.nlogo (35 kB)
Networking General Examples with (NetLogo)
