Abstract (150 Words)

Research on wine tourism is recent and mostly attraction-based. This study aims to understand how motivation could influence tourists’ involvement, perceptions and intention. Data were collected in a Wine and Food Festival in Miami, FL and SEM method was used to analyze it. The results show that novelty seeking and socialization motivation are positively related to pleasure experience whereas socialization motivation is negatively associated with risk probability and importance. Pleasure experience, risk probability, and risk importance are related to satisfaction, yet the directions are different for the two aspects of satisfaction. Only satisfaction of intangible service is related to loyalty.



Examining How Festival Attendees' Motivation Affect Their Involvement and Satisfaction; Food & Wine Festival Attendees' Perspective

Research on wine tourism is recent and mostly attraction-based. This study aims to understand how motivation could influence tourists’ involvement, perceptions and intention. Data were collected in a Wine and Food Festival in Miami, FL and SEM method was used to analyze it. The results show that novelty seeking and socialization motivation are positively related to pleasure experience whereas socialization motivation is negatively associated with risk probability and importance. Pleasure experience, risk probability, and risk importance are related to satisfaction, yet the directions are different for the two aspects of satisfaction. Only satisfaction of intangible service is related to loyalty.