00:32:47 Kathy Burris: yes 00:34:31 Kati MacFarline: Good morning, all! Should I be hearing sound yet? :) 00:34:54 dani: Yes, you should double check your sound on the bottom left 00:34:56 Nancy Siker MIAD: Yes there is sound I am using headphone with computer or microphone 00:43:54 Nadine: can we use this grumpy cat meme? will it be posted somewhere? 00:53:16 rpiccini: Will a recording of this Webinar be available? Thanks! 00:53:37 Eleta Exline: Yes, we’ll email everyone who registered with a link to the recording. 01:14:53 holycross: Can you say something about the background/credibility of Google Arts and Culture? So we can promote its validity to students? 01:16:30 ra1F: Would you mind stating the importance of visual literacy with respect to our current socio-political state of communication and creative expression? 01:16:31 svanderploeg: thank you, Micki. I am looking forward to sharing this recording with our Graphic Design professor and library research consultants. 01:16:43 gwitthuhn: Do you feel that image resources offer enough tools for visual literacy? Such as browse and analyze? Or should that not be a part of these types of resources? 01:17:23 Nadine: thanks! 01:19:57 ra1F: Thank you very much. 01:20:43 svanderploeg: and inaccurate visuals are soooo powerful! 01:20:47 rupemega: How do you handle the conversation around Creative Commons licenses and do you think the licenses contribute to confusion around copyright? 01:22:34 rupemega: Thank you 01:22:38 kelly: What about accessibility for people with visual disabilities? e.g., in designing presentations, etc. Is there a balance? Are there any resources you would recommend on this topic? 01:24:01 rupemega: There was an accessibility webinar awhile back. That might be a good starting point. 01:24:26 rupemega: Speaking of inaccurate visuals, how do you talk about breaking down Facebook political memes? 01:24:35 svanderploeg: what has been your biggest challenge with getting faculty buy-in? 01:27:00 Nancy Siker MIAD: Thank you this was helpful. 01:27:04 klabadorf: Thank you, very helpful! 01:27:08 kelly: Thanks! 01:27:09 Nancy: thank you! 01:27:10 Jen B: Thanks, Micki! 01:27:16 Jordana Shaw MCC: Thanks! 01:27:16 rdreyer: thank you! 01:27:18 Nadine: great presentation! 01:27:19 peneumann@WPI.EDU: Thank you!! 01:27:20 sstaumku: thank you!! 01:27:24 svanderploeg: thank you, Micki, this was really useful and interesting -- and visually-appealing :-) 01:27:37 constance.vrattos: Thanks, Micki. This was a great presentation!