This README.txt file was generated on 20210113 by K. Lehnigk ------------------- GENERAL INFORMATION ------------------- 1. Title of Dataset: ds01 2. Author Information First Author Contact Information Name: Karin Lehnigk Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst Address: Department of Geosciences 627 North Pleasant Street 233 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 Email: Corresponding Author Contact Information Name: Karin Lehnigk Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst Address: Department of Geosciences 627 North Pleasant Street 233 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 Email: Author Contact Information (if applicable) Name: Isaac Larsen Institution: University of Massachusetts Amherst Address: Department of Geosciences 627 North Pleasant Street 233 Morrill Science Center University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003 Email: --------------------- DATA & FILE OVERVIEW --------------------- Directory of Files A. Filename: 730m_stage_glacial_lake_columbia Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "730m-stage glacial Lake Columbia" scenario. Two variations are included, each in a separate folder; one with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_closed"), and another with an open boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_open"). The input files are "GLC730_poly.csv", which defines the initial lake extent, "GLC730_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "GLC730_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate when flows have reached steady-state conditions, "GLC730_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "GLC730.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "GLC730.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, and "", which is run last to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps. The output file is "GLC730.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. B. Filename: 750m_flood_swollen_glacial_lake_columbia Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "750m flood-swollen glacial Lake Columbia" scenario. Two variations are included, each in a separate folder; one with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_closed"), and another with an open boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_open"). The input files are "GLC750_poly.csv", which defines the initial lake extent, "GLC750_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "GLC750_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate when flows have reached steady-state conditions, "GLC750_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "GLC750.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "GLC750.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, and "", which is run last to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps. The output file is "GLC750.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. C. Filename: area_error_polygons Short description: GIS-compatible shapefiles for the four polygons used to evaluate error area and select the high water-inundating discharge, each with an inner and an outer polygon. These polygons include: the eastern rim above Northrup Canyon ("zone_simple_north_small_inner" and "zone_simple_north_small_outer"), the eastern rim ("zone_simple_north_big_inner" and "zone_simple_north_big_outer"), the expansion bar ("zone_simple_exp_bar_inner" and "zone_simple_exp_bar_outer"), and the eastern outflow ("zone_simple_loop_small_inner" and "zone_simple_loop_small_outer"). Each shapefile includes 8 files necessary to display and manipulate the polygons in ArcMap ("zone_.cpg", "zone_.dbf", "zone_.prj", "zone_.sbn", "zone_.sbx", "zone_.shp", "zone_.xml", and "zone_.shx" files). D. Filename: column_counts Short description: Excel spreadsheet ("GC_dimensions.xls") containing dimensions of columns measured near Steamboat Rock at the locations specified in the text. The "Columns_loc3" tab provides widths and heights of 50 columns measured at the base of Steamboat Rock's southeast face (E: 340758 m, N: 5303395 m, elev: 553 m). E. Filename: ice_margin Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "ice margin" scenario. Four discharge ranges are included; one for 0.005 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_005"), one for 0.01 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_01"), one for 0.015 to 0.02 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_015_02"), and one for one for 0.025 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_025"). The input files are "pol_1.csv, pol_2.csv, and pol_3.csv", which define the high-resolution model area, "ice_at_new_big_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "ice_at_new_big_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate flood stages as a function of time, "ice_at_new_big_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "ice_at_new_big.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "ice_at_new_big.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, "", which is run third to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps, "", which is run fourth to covert rasters of stage data to GIS-compatible vector files of the wetted extents for specified time steps, and "", which is run last to calculate the wetted area within the error polygons. The output file is "ice_at_new_big.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. F. Filename: present_day_grand_coulee Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "present-day Grand Coulee" scenario. Two variations are included, each in a separate folder; one with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_closed"), and another with an open boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_open"). Four discharge ranges are included in the "foster_coulee_closed" folder; one for 6 to 7 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_6_to_7"), one for 8 to 10 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_8_9_10"), one for 10 to to 30 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_10_15_20_25_30"), and one for one for 11 to 14 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_11_to_14"). Five discharge ranges are included in the "foster_coulee_open" folder; one for 5 to 9 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_5_to_9"), one for 10 to 30 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_10_15_20_25_30"), one for 11 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_11"), one for 12 to 14 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_12_to_14"), and one for 16 to 19 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_16_to_19"). The input files in the "foster_coulee_closed" folder are "pol_1.csv", which defines the high-resolution model area, "LGC2_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "LGC2_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate flood stages as a function of time, "LGC2_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "LGC2.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "LGC2.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The input files in the "foster_coulee_open" folder are "pol_1.csv", which defines the high-resolution model area, "LGC3_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "LGC3_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate flood stages as a function of time, "LGC3_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "LGC3.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "LGC3.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files in the "foster_coulee_closed" folder are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, "", which is run third to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps, "", which is run fourth to covert rasters of stage data to GIS-compatible vector files of the wetted extents for specified time steps, and "", which are run last to calculate the wetted area within the specified error polygons. The model processing files in the "foster_coulee_open" folder are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, "", which is run third to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps, "", which is run fourth to covert rasters of stage data to GIS-compatible vector files of the wetted extents for specified time steps, and "", which are run last to calculate the wetted area within the specified error polygons. The output file in the "foster_coulee_closed" folder is "LGC2.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. The output file in the "foster_coulee_open" folder is "LGC3.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. G. Filename: unincised_lower_coulee Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "unincised_lower_coulee" scenario. Three variations are included, each in a separate folder; one with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee ("high_discharge_foster_coulee_closed"), one with an open boundary at Foster Coulee ("high_discharges_foster_coulee_open"), and another with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee but discharges which are too low to reach the Foster Coulee boundary ("low_discharges"). Two discharge ranges are included in the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_closed; one for 6 to 14 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_6_7_8_9_10_11_12_13_14"), and one for one for 10 to 25 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_10_15_20_25"). Two discharge ranges are included in the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_open; one for 10 to 25 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_10_15_20_25"), and one for one for 11 to 19 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_11_12_13_14_16_17_18_19"). Four discharge ranges are included in the "low_discharges" folder; one for 1.1 to 1.4 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_1_1_to_1_4"), one for 1 to 3 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_12_3"), one for 1.5 to 5 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_1_5_2_5_3_5_4_0_4_5_5_0"), and one for 0.5 to 0.9 x 10^6 m^3 s^-1 ("Q_05_to_09"). The input files are "pol_1.csv", which defines the high-resolution model area, "LGC4_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "LGC4_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate flood stages as a function of time, "LGC4_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "LGC4.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "LGC4.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files in the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_closed" folder, the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_open" folder, and the "low_discharges" folder are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, "", which is run third to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps, "", which is run fourth to covert rasters of stage data to GIS-compatible vector files of the wetted extents for specified time steps, and "", which is run last to calculate the wetted area within the specified error polygons. The output file in the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_closed" folder, the "high_discharge_foster_coulee_open" folder, and the "low_discharges" folder is "LGC4.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. H. Filename: waterfall Short description: This folder includes all model input, processing, and output files for the "waterfall" scenario. Two variations are included, each in a separate folder; one with a closed boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_closed"), and another with an open boundary at Foster Coulee ("foster_coulee_open"). The input files are the "breaklines" directory, which includes a file ("breaklines1.csv") defining the location of model mesh edges along the reconstructed waterfall, "pol_1.csv", which defines the high-resolution model areat, "SRnew_inlet.csv", which defines the inlet boundary location, "SRnew_gauges.csv", which defines the locations of gage points used to evaluate flood stages as a function of time, "SRnew_bnd.csv", which defines the extent of the model domain, "SRnew.prj", which defines the projected coordinate system for the model, and "SRnew.asc", which defines topographic elevations within the domain. The model processing files are "", which is run first to construct the hydrograph, "", which is run second to produce and evolve the domain, "", which is run third to convert model output into GIS-compatible files for specified time steps, "", which is run fourth to covert rasters of stage data to GIS-compatible vector files of the wetted extents for specified time steps, and "", which is run last to calculate the wetted area within the specified error polygons. The output file is "SRnew.sww", which is a netCDF file containing elevation, friction, x-momentum, y-momentum, and stage data throughout the domain for each time step. Additional Notes on File Relationships, Context, or Content: Input files for a given model scenario are identical for individual discharge ranges, and are therefore included at the boundary variation level for that scenario. File Naming Convention (if not included above): file folders which include model data (A, B, E, F, G, H) are given the same name as their corresponding scenario in the text. If error area is calculated for more than one location for a given scenario, one "" file is included for each location, with the name of the corresponding error area polygon in the "area_error_polygons" folder included as . ----------------------------------------- DATA DESCRIPTION FOR: ds01 ----------------------------------------- 1. Number of variables: 9 2. Number of cases/rows: 94 3. Variable List A. Name: scenario Description: model setup as described in the text B. Name: FC_boundary Description: condition of the model boundary at Foster Coulee closed = boundary segment is modeled as a reflective boundary, to simulate this segment as being closed to flow open = boundary segment is modeled as a Dirichlet boundary, to simulate this segment as being open to flow N/A = boundary segment is not part of the domain for this scenario C. Name: inlet_discharge Description: constant discharge entering the domain through the inlet boundary, in 10^6 m^3 s^-1 D. Name: duration Description: model run time (s) for a single constant-discharge or lake drain simulation E. Name: yieldstep Description: model time interval (s) between successive saved model outputs written to the .sww file F. Name: default_res Description: maximum triangle area (m^2) for the domain area not bounded by high-resolution polygon(s) G. Name: small_res Description: maximum triangle area (m^2) for the domain area bounded by high-resolution polygon(s) H. Name: mannings_n Description: Manning's roughness value (dimensionless) applied over the entire domain I. Name: initial_stage Description: constant initial water elevation (m) applied to the lake polygon cells with topographic elevation values lower than the initial stage value -------------------------- METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION -------------------------- 1. Software-specific information: Name: ANUGA Version: 2.0 System Requirements: Linux or Microsoft Windows Executable URL: N/A Source Repository URL: Developer: Geoscience Australia and Australian National University Product URL: Name: ArcMap Version: 10.4.1 System Requirements: Microsoft Windows Executable URL: N/A Source Repository URL: Developer: ESRI ArcGIS Product URL: Name: Python Version: 2.7.10 System Requirements: Microsoft Windows, Unix, or MacOS Executable URL: N/A Source Repository URL: Developer: Python Software Foundation Product URL: Additional Notes: required packages to run ANUGA are numpy, scipy, matplotlib, gdal, netcdf, nose, dill, and a C compiler (preferably GCC or TDM-GCC MinGW on Windows). To run simulations using parallel processing, the openmpi package is also required. Name: Matlab Version: R2019b System Requirements: Microsoft Windows, Linux, or MacOS Executable URL: N/A Source Repository URL: N/A Developer: MathWorks Product URL: 2. Model data sources: Description: 10m digital elevation model Source: University of Washington URL: Description: Historical topographic maps Source: US Geological Survey URL: Files: Barker Canyon WA (1968), Coulee City WA (1965), Electric City WA (1968), Hartline NW WA (1968), Mold WA (1965), Sims Corner WA (1968), Steamboat Rock SE WA (1968), Steamboat Rock SW (1968) Description: Banks Lakes bathymetry Source: Washington Department of Ecology URL: Description: Lake Roosevelt bathymetry Source: US Bureau of Reclamation URL: Description: Surface imagery Source: US Department of Agriculture National Agriculture Imagery Program URL: 3. Dates of data collection: 20180824-20201225