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Foundations and Bridging

Bridging Curriculum


Learning for Life is a health-focused accelerated adult literacy and learning initiative to prepare women and older girls in rural areas of 12 provinces1 for Community Health Worker and Community Midwifery training. Learning for Life (LfL) was established in December 2004 in Kabul and Herat provinces. LfL will expand to over 7800 women in 12 provinces by summer 2005. Two tiers of classes are available to women: 1) the Foundations Program, multi-grade classes covering reading, writing and numeracy skills at the 1st through 6th grade levels to prepare women for CHW training or train current CHWs and 2) a Bridging Program covering skills required for eligibility in the community midwifery program. Bridging Program classes for prospective community midwifery candidates will be offered in the six provinces where community midwifery training, technically supported by the USAID-funded REACH program, is located: Paktia, Bamyan, Badakhshan, Khost, Takhar, and Jawzjan. The goals of Bridging program are:

- to increase literacy and math skills among rural women

- to enhance women’s understanding of health messages

- to increase women’s sense of confidence and value

- to increase women’s abilities to think creatively, take decisions

- women’s be better qualified candidates for training as Community Midwives
