Images and Photos

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Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Team Kratzer wins Semantic Valueball tournament, NASSLLI 2014
    (2014-01-01) Williams, Alexander
    Angelika and Team Kratzer hoist the trophy, having bested Teams Veltmann, Williams and Hacquard in the 1st NASSLLI Semantic Valueball tournament, at the University of Maryland in 2014.
  • Publication
    Angelika in Brazil
    (2001-01-01) Muller, Ana
    Workshop on Formal Linguistics
  • Publication
    Angelika in Brazil
    (2001-01-01) Muller, Ana
    Workshop on Formal Linguistics
  • Publication
    SALT 16, Tokyo
    (2006-01-01) Schwarz, Florian
    SALT 16 in Tokyo
  • Publication
    Angelika on Easter 2000
    (2000-01-01) Selkirk, Lisa; Kim, Min-Joo
    Angelika playing Jenga at her house on Easter, 2000. Next to her are Min-Joo Kim (myself), Andries Coetzee, the late Lize Coetzee, Carlos Gussenhoven, and Susanne Winkler, clockwise. I'm not exactly sure but this photo was most likely taken by Lisa Selkirk, who was with us at that time but not seen in the picture, along with a lovely bunny named Beverly/Beverley.
  • Publication
    Flier for Linguistics 394
    (2007-01-01) Frazier, Lyn
    Flier for Linguistics 394, taught by Angelika Kratzer and Lyn Frazier
  • Publication
    Suzi's Defense day (August 26, 2014)
    (2014-01-01) Oliveira de Lima, Suzi
    This picture was taken after my defense, on August 26, 2014. The picture was taken at Lyn's house. Angelika, myself, Lyn and Gennaro appear in the picture. One important note: Angelika and Lyn created a sentence in Yudja (by themselves) and wrote it in the cake. The sentence says "Suzi yauda urahu seradu waxiwaxi" which means "Suzi wrote two big packages" (reference: at that point the tittle of my dissertation was "Counting and Measuring in Two Tupi Languages"). :)
  • Publication
    David Lewis Lecture
    (2017-01-01) Frazier, Lyn
    Angelika gives the prestigious David Lewis lecture at Princeton University on March 10, 2017.
  • Publication
    Gargnano 2004 [2]
    (2004-01-01) Percus, Orin
    Angelika in Gargnano 2004 [2]
  • Publication
    Angelika and Bernhard
    (1999) Shimoyama, Junko
    Angelika, Bernhard Schwarz, Lisa Matthewson, Irene Heim
  • Publication
    Gargnano 2004 [1]
    (2004-01-01) Percus, Orin
    Angelika in Gargnano 2004
  • Publication
    Angelika, Junko, Elliott
    (2000-01-01) Shimoyama, Junko
    Angelika, Junko Shimoyama, Elliott Moreton (after Junko's defense)
  • Publication
    Angelika with Valentine at NASSLLI 2014
    (2014-01-01) Williams, Alexander
    Angelika Kratzer with Valentine Hacquard at the banquet for NASSLLI 2014, Maryland