Turf Clippings

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  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Recent Developments Affecting Golf Course Design (page 1) From the Editor (3) Five Year Results (3) Turf Management Club News (4) Quotes from 1960 Seniors (5) Poa annua - - Friend or Foe (6) The Horticulture Show (7) Cartoons (8) Message from the Winter School President of 1960 (10) The Most Outstanding Turf Senior for 1959 (10) The Value of the Proper Use of Lime (11) Summer Placement (12) A Greenhouse on the Golf Course (13) More Opportunities in the Future for the Aggressive Superintendent at Country Clubs (14) Soil, Sawdust and Turfgrass (15) Picture - Senior Stockbridge Turf majors (16) Picture - Freshman Stockbridge Turf majors (17) Susceptibility of Merion Bluegrass to Stripe Smut (18) Bents in the South (19) Picture - Honorary Members of Turf Management Club (20) Picture - Graduates of Winter School for Turf mangers- 1960 (21) Weather - We are Going to Have Weather, Whether or Not - What Should we Expect by O. Tennebaum & R. E. Lautzenheiser (A-1) The Nature of Winter Injury to Plants by Dr. Johnson Parker (A-1) Turf Problems: You Name it and We've Had It in '59 by Alexander Radko ad T.T. Taylor (A-3) Topdressing Experiences with Greens at Century by James Fulwider (A-5) Poa annua - Fairway Rennovation at winged Foot by Sherwood A. Moore (A-6) Winter Problems at Ekwanaok by Paul O'Leary (A-8) Progress Through Drainage by Kayem Ovian (A-10) Winter Injury on Home Lawns by Orlando Capizzi (A-12) The Status of Pre-emergence Chemicals for the Control of Crabgrass by Dr. E. Engel (A-12) Turf Nurseries - Establishment, Maintenance & Utilization by Robert Grant (A-14) Soil Compaction by Dr. R. B. Alderfer (A-16) Water Management Practices on Turf Areas by Dr. J.R. Watson (A-18) Getting to Know Your Members by Owen Griffith (A-23) New Trends in Clubhouse Landscaping by Alfred Boicourt (A-26) General Lawn Management (Alternate Session) Conserving Soil for a good Lawn by Dr. William G. Colby (A-27) Fertilizting and Liming by Dr. Joseph Steckel (A-28) Grasses and Grass Mixtures for New England Lawns by Dr. Robert Schery (A-29) The Care and Maintenance of Establishment Lawns by Dr. John R. Davis
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    History of Golf (1) The Nine Toughest Holes in the World (2) "Stockie Madness" (3) "Bartender, One More Round for Pythium" (3) Panel: 1973 Turf Problems in Review - 1974 Possible Remedies (A1-A12) Movement of Water to a Holding Pond (A13) Maintenance of Low Budget, Short Season Golf Courses (A16) Turfgrass Fertilization (A18) Determining Turfgrass Fertilizer Needs (A25) Shortage of Plant Food and How to Adjust to Supply and Cost (A29) Panel: Tricalcium Arsenate - Use and Abuse (A33-A46) Operating and Maintaining Municipal Golf Courses (A48) Maintenance of a High Budget Golf Course (A51) Trends in Agricultural Education and Where Are the Emphases (A58) Maintenance of Municipal Parks and Recreation Areas (A60) Maintenance of Grass Tennis Courts (A63) Transition from Natural to Artificial Turf (A67) Plant materials for Outlying Areas (A71) Care of University Grounds (A76) Maintenance of Industrial Sites (A79) Turfgrass Diseases and Systemic Fungicides (A81) A Look at the Future (A 84) Watering of Golf Course Turf (A92)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    "My Ideal Course, Underwater, U.S.A." (page 1) From the Editor (3) Turf Management Club News (3) Quotes from 1961 Seniors (4) The United States Most Western Owned Golf Course: Armed Forces Golf Course, Guam (5) Turf Majors Participate in Horticultural Show (7) Picture - G.C.S.A Scholarships Awarded to Three Turf Seniors (8) Picture - Stockbridge - Majors in turf Management (9) Opportunity and Education (10) "The Most Outstanding Turf Senior for the Year - 1961" (11) How We Prepare Our Greens Before Topdressing (12) An Inexpensive Cure for Weeds and Poa Annua (13) Watering (14) Picture - Honorary Members of the Turf Management Club (16) Picture - Graduates of Winter School for Turf Managers - 1961 (17) Welcome Speech by Narry Sperandio (A-1) Handle with Care by Dr. Ellsworth H. Wheeler (A-2) Current Ideas on Green Construction - Panel Discussion (A-4) Automatic Systems for Watering by Robert F. Harper (A-14) History of Golf Course Architecture by Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-22) Effect of Nutrition on Turf Diseases by Dr. Houston B. Couch Turf Disease Control and Use of Fungicides by Dr. R. J. Lukens Trees and Tree Care by Gordon S. King (A-38) Arsenical Toxicity by Dr. C. R. Skogley (A-41) Soil Reaction to Arsenical Compounds by Joseph E. Steckel Brush Control For the Golf Course by Dr. William I. Boyd (A-51) Massachusetts Highway Herbicide Program by Joseph L. Beasley (A-54) General Turf (Alternate Session): Observations on Highway Turf Establishment & Maintenance by E.F. Button (A-62) Pre-emerge Chemicals for the Control of Crabgrass by Dr. John R. Havis, John M. Zak & Joseph Troll (A-70) Root Growth of Turf Grasses as Affected by Different heights of Cut and Nutrient Levels by Evangel J. Bredakis (A-71) The Use of Sod by Daniel Pellegrino (A-72)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Turf on the Launching Pad (page 1) Turf management Club News (3) Education, Experience and Attitude (4) A Blade of Grass (5) Picture - Professor Lawrence S. Dickinson (6) Picture - Thomas Mascaro - Banquet Speaker (7) Planting Trees on the Golf Course (8) Two-Way Radios (8) Greens Mowing Procedure (9) Watering and Topdressing as Related to Poa annua Infestations (10) Picture - Stockbridge Majors in Turf Management (12) Picture - Graduates of Winter School for Turf Managers - 1962 (13) Review of Season's Pests by Joseph Troll (A-1) Today's Trends in Golf Course Development by Col. Harry C. Eckoff (A-3) Breeding and Selection of Fine Turf Grasses by Dr. B. R. Anderson Penncross Bentgrass by J. Dutch(A-13) Poa annua by Alexander Radko (A-16) Velvet Bent by Jesse DeFrance (A-19) Vegetative Creeping Bentgrasses by Fred Grau (A-21) Modification of SOils for Green Construction & Top Dressing by Prof. H. B. Musser (A-27) Soil COmpaction by Donald Waddington (A-32) Irrigation Practices and the Need of Basic Research by Prof. Edward PIra (A-36) Water Sources by Z. Mills (A-39) Athletic Field Maintenance by Thomas Mascaro (A-41) Planning the Landscape Around the House by Prof. Harold Mosher (A-43)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Trees for a Beautiful Golf Course by Philip Scott (page 1) The Golf Course's Worst Enemy by Charles Amorim and Hal Haskell (2) Message from the President by James f. Gilligan (2) Turf Management Club News (3) Quotes from 1962 Freshman (4) When I consider How my Night is Spent Leonard Mailloux(5) Protection of a Golf Course by Pay Lucas Jr. (6) Safety - The Superintendents' Responsibility by Gerald Peters (7) Picture - Senior Stockbridge Turf Majors (8) Picture - Freshmen Stockbridge Turf Majors (9) Kansas - In the Transition Zone by Carl Beer (10 Seeds by Don Daigle (11) Picture - Dean F. P. Jeffrey, Dr. W.G. Colby and Director J. R. Beattie (12) Picture - Graduates of Winter School for Turf Managers - 1963 (13) The Effect of Last Year's Weather Upon This Year's Incidence of Turf Insects by John C. Schread (A-1) Labor-Management Relations by Mortimer H. Gavin S.J. (A-4) Massachusetts Labor Laws by Andrew C. SInclair (A-7) Golf Course Budget by John Espey (A-10) Golf Course Budgets by Robert St. Thomas (A-12) Purpose & Method of Budgeting by Leon St. Pierre (A-13) The Committee Chairman, His Duties by Charles Connelly (A-16) Long-range vs. Short-range Planning by George Farber (A-18) The Golf Course Superintendent, His Duties by Sherwood Moore (A-20) The Budget by Leo Kowalski (A-25) Public Relations by Leon St. Pierre (A-26) A Study of WIlt by Harry Meusal (A-28) Specifications for a Method of Putting Green Construction by Alexander Radko (A-33) Management of Kentucky Bluegrass & Grass Mixtures for Turf by F.V. Juska (A-38) What's New in Fertilizers by Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-40) Methylene Ureas by Harvey Stangel (A-42) Plastic Coated Fertilizers by Louis I. Hansen (A-44) The Role of Sewage Sludge by James Latham Jr. (A-49) The Role of Ureaforms in the Turf Fertilizer Industry by Robert T. Miller (A-51) Why Low Phosphorus & Higher Potassium by L. J. Sullivan (A-55) Uptake of Potassium by Evangel Bredakis (A-59) Responsibility of Industry & Community in Land Usage & Plantings by Joseph L. Beasley (A-61) Turf & Other Planting Problems by H. Thurston Handley Jr. (A-65) Weeds & Diseases by Dominic Marini (A-67) General Maintenacne & Equipment by Lewis Hodgkinson (A-68) Fertilizer Problems by William J. Bennett (A-70) Lawn Construction & Insect Problems by herbert C. Fordham (A-71)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Turf Management Club by John Traynor (page 1) Who Is Superintendent Here by H.E. Frenette (1) Good Turf Can Result from good Sodding (3) Golf Course Superintendent by Edwart Wiacek (4) Picture - Outstanding Senior Prof. Troll Picture - recognition for Blazers St. Andrew's, Scotland by William Hynd (5) Analogy of a Turf Manager by James B. Cole (6) Fish Trouble by Peter A. Langelier and Dennis P. Leger (8) Square Rings by Robert P. McGuire (9) A Different Type of Course by Robert Hall (10) Literature by Pierre Coste (11) Weeds in Golf Course Turf and Their Control by John F. Cornman (A-1) The USe of Liquid Fertilizer by Anthony B. Longo (A-3) Fertilizing a Golf Course Through an Irrigation System by Herbert E. Berg (A-6) The Extent of Winter Injury on Golf Courses by James L. Holmes (A-11) The Problem of Winter Injury by James B. Beard (A-13) Establishing, Maintaining, and Selling Sod for Turf Areas in New England by George F. Stewart (A-20) Problems of Maintaining Turf Around Industrial Grounds by George Moore (A-22) Landscaping Industrial sites by A.W. Boicourt (A-25) Introduction to the panel Discussion on Grasses for Tees and Their Management by Alexander M. Radko (A-28) Building a Golf Tee by Phil Cassidy (A-29) Grasses for Tees and Their Management by Wm. Dest (A-31) Golf Course Tee maintenance by Jim Fulwider (A-32) Tees by F. Thompson (A-33) How to Draw up a Contract by Lawrence D. Rhoades (A-34) My Contract by Lucien E. Duval (A-37) The Golf Car Problem by Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-41) Golf Cars and Turfgrass by Lee Record (A-42) Course Design and Golf Cars by William F. Mitchell (A-42) Golf Cars and the Established Course by Sherwood Moore (A-45) Course Design and Golf Cars by Phil Wogan (a-52) Introduction of Cars to the New Course by M. Ovian (A-56)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings
    Editor: Ronald Kirby Advisor: E.C. Roberts To form a common interest between the Turf Management Club, the alumni of the Stockbridge and Winter School Turf Majors and all interested friends of the University of Massachusetts Turf Program. Greetings from the Club President (page 2) Winter School and Turf Conference Cancelled for 1957 (2) Value of Turf Clippings (3) Dedication--Minor J. Markuson (4) Interrelations between Design, Construction and Maintenance (6) Golf Course Design (6) Relationship of Golf Course Design to Maintenance Costs (9) Influence of Construction upon maintenance (12) Snow Blue - Snow White (14) Post Emergence Control of Crabgrass (15) Third Generation in Greenkeeping (16) Hand Greens Mowers (17) Equipment (18) Pelham Country Club vs New England Thruway (18) Should Junior Memberships be Allowed (19) Meet the Staff (20) Turf Club News (23) Chairman-superintendent Relationship: Quote by Dickinson (24) Letter To Dean Sieling from New England Golf Course Superintendent's Association (24) Associate Members of Stockbridge Turf Management Club (25) Membership Application Form for Turf Management Club (26)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Fish Anyone? by Robert Gomes (page 1) Future of Turf by William Rolland (1) Pesticide Control by Peter Scoville (2) The Perfect Answer by Frank J. Dolson, Jr. (3) Bright Sayings (3) Class Will (4) Turfgrass Improvement in 1968 through Renovation by Alexander M. Radko (A-1) Winter Injury by A. Robert Masur (A-3) Spring and Summer Experiences of 1969 by James W. Timmerman (A-7) Growing Turf in the Transition Zone by George B. Thompson (A-10) GCSAA Certification by Norman Kramer (A-12) Air Pollution by Saul Rich (A-17) Breeding and Selection of Better Bluegrass Varieties by C. Reed Funk (A-23) Shade Grasses by Glen M. Wood (A-26) Pros and Cons of Kentucky Bluegrass Varieties from a Commercial Standpoint- Flyking and Common Kentucky Bluegrass by Doyle W. Jacklin (A-36) Pros and Cons of Merion Bluegrass by Margaret Herbst (A-42) Care and Maintenance of Highway Turf by John M. Zak (A-49) Thatch and Related Problems of Turf Management by Ralph E. Engel (A-53) Method of Operation of Turfgrass Disease Causing Fungi by Malcolm E. Shurtleff (A-55) Nutrition and its Relation to Turfgrass Diseas by Houston B. Couch (A-60) Turfgrass Disease Control by William C. Haskett (A-64) Interpretation of the Specialty Fertilizer Label by Henry W. Indyk (A-66) Bentgrasses by Robert W. Miller (A-70)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings
    This year the newly organized Turf Management Club has undertaken the publication of a booklet featuring various aspects of turf work. Through this we are attempting to present material that will be of interest to those who are familiar with the Massachusetts Turf Schools. At the same time we hope that it may have some educational value by presenting the view of both of those of us on the job and others engaged in research and promotion and selling. The publication will include information about the current years winter school and turf conference, articles about some of the professors here at the University who are responsible for the course work, reports about activities and honors earned by the Stockbridge Turf Majors while on campus; and reports on research in fine turf conducted here at the University of Massachusetts. There will also be articles written by men connected with turf work such as yourselves and articles written by staff members at the University. The main objective of this publication is to form a bond of common interest and friendship between the alumni and other friends of our turf schools. Those of us who graduate this year are looking forward to getting the news from the university in years to come. We hope you feel the same.
  • Publication
    Midwest Regional Turf Conference Foundation Proceedings
    Presidents Report - Frank P. Dunlap (page 1) The Student Purdue Serves - Dr. N. M. Parkhurst (2) A Student Reports - Bill Roach (4) Corrective Management of Shrubs - H. W. Gilbert (5) Nutrient Absorption by Plants - J. R. Watson Jr. (7) Disease Development is Slow - Dr. Wm. Klomparens (10) Poa Annua Control with Arsenic Materials - W. H. Daniel (11) Labor Relations - Cincinnati Country Club - John McCoy (14) Labor Policies at my Course - Ernest Schneider (15) Labor Policies at my Course - Don Strand (16) Nitrogen Use and Why - Robert M. Williams (17) Fertilizing Greens and Why - Don Likes(18) Nitrogen Use and Why - Lawrence Huber (20) Report on Experimental Green - Taylor Boyd (21) Experiences with Fairway Improvements - Ray Davis (23) Fairway Improvement Program - Bert Rost (24) Experiences on Merion Bluegrass - Carl Habenicht (24) Merion Bluegrass Experiences - P. E. Drachman (25) Zoysia for Lawns and Nurseries - P. E. Drachman (27) Preparation for Mortorized Carts - James W. Brandt (28) Preparing for Motorized Carts - Carl Bretzlaff (29) Merion Bluegrass Experiences - Ben O. Warren (31) Pennlu Distribution - W. H. Daniel(32) Zoysia for Midwest Lawns - W. H. Daniel (34) Crabgrass Prevention and Control - W. H. Daniel (36) Plant Carbohydrates Must Balance Nitrogen - M. R. Teel (39) Put Yourself in His Place - Fred Grau (40) Nitrogen Use and Why Wm. E. Lyons (45) The Management of Bentgrass Fairways - O. J. Noer (49) Fairway Improvement Program O. W. Young (52) Experiences with Zoysia - Ferank Dinelli (53)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Skunks Shoot Back by William Stewart (page 1) The Daily Plan: A Management Factor by Rob McIntyre (2) Teed Off by Samuel Pavadore (3) A Responsible Neighbor by Gerald Moscato (4) Drainage by David Clement (A-1) Fairway Renovation at Baltusrol Golf Club by Joseph R. Flaherty (A-4) Converting to Kentucky Bluegrass Fairways by Thomas Rewinski (A-10) Grooming the Golf Course by Melvin B. Lucas, Jr. (A-12) Turf Diseases of 1972, Controls and Prevention for 1973 by Stanley J. Zontek (A-13) Noncropland Weed Control by John E. Gallagher (A-16) Soil Factors Affecting Arsenic Toxicity by Robert N. Carrow (A-24) The Necessity of Cart Paths and Traffic Regulations by William G. Buchanan (A-27) Herbicides for Turfgrass Areas by John A. Jagschitz (A-29) Perspectives on Lawn Making and Keeping by Robert Schery (A-33) Stadium Turf Maintenance by George P. Toma (A-39) Highway Turfgrass by Robert W. Duell (A-44) Cemetery Maintenance by Martin Stolpe (A-50) Keeping Records by Al Barauskas (A-54) Planning Capital Expenditures by Sherwood A. Moore (A-59) British Golf Course Architecture -Historical Influences- Current Trends by F.W. Hawtree (A-64) Golf Course Architecture in North America By Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-70)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Shop Talk by Frank Santos (page 1) You've Come a Long Way, Lawn-Mower Pusher by Alan B. Albin (2) In The Eyes of the Laymen by Eugene P. Elcik (2) The Importance of Water Management by Fred V. Grau (A-1) Automatic Irrigation Systems Integrated with Pumping Systems by Michael O. Mattwell (A-5) Installation of a Complete Water Source and Automatic System by Richard C. Blake (A-19) How the Soil Conservation Service Can Help in Golf Course Management by Christopher G. Mousitakis (A-22) Our Shrinking Environment by Haim B. Gunner (A-24) Pesticides' Dilemma - Emotion vs. Science by Allen H. Morgan (A-28) Effects of Turf Grasses and Trees in Neutralizing Waste Water by William E. Sopper (A-34) Unsolved and New Problems Developing in Golf Course Management by Alexander M. Radko (A-44) Coming of the Conglomerate Director of Golf Courses by Edmund B. Ault (A-48) Aquatic Weed Control by John E. Gallagher (A-52) What Project Apollo Has Done for Golf and Golf Course Architecture by Mal Purdy (A-54) Maintenance of Grass Tennis Courts by Wayne Zoppo (A-59) Diseases of Ornametnals Growing in Turf Areas by R.E. Partyka (A-62) Control of Turf Insects by John C. Schread (A-65) Lime for Turf by Henry W. Indyk (A-68) How to Stop Guessing When You Buy Seed by Dale Kern (A-71) Broad Aspects of Turf Grass Culture Other Than Golf Courses by Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-79) Establishing and Maintaining Turf int he national Capitol Parks by Alton E. Rabbitt (A-81) Preventive Maintenance on Small One Cylinder Air Cooled Engine by F. W. Hazle (A-85) Top Fairway Mower Performance by James R. Maloney (A-95) Grinding Reel Type Mowers by Ray Christopherson (A-99)
  • Publication
    Proceedings of the 1954 Turf Conference
    Attendance (I - XV) Grass Leaves at Work - S.N. Postlethwait (5) Seed Supply and Prices - Gager T. Vaughn (8) Hocus-Pocus in Grass Breeding - Glen W. Burton (11) Techniques and Turf Quality - Fred V. Grau Case Histories of Turf Improvement Programs - O.J. Noer (20) Fertilizer Facts and Fancies - A.J. Ohlrogge (38) Crabgrass Control in Turf - Ralph E. Engel (43) Athletic Field Reseeding - Fred V. Grau (44) Vegetative Grass Potential - W.H. Daniel (48) Who Plays Golf Today? - Herb Graffis (50) Poa Annua & Arsenic Toxicity - W.H. Daniel (53) Replanting Golf Greens - (58) Planting Stolons on Large Areas - A. Linkogel (59) Management, Weather & Disease - Ralph Engel (62) Practical Microscopic Disease Observations - Robert Williams (64)
  • Publication
    Turf Management Conference Proceedings
    Maintenance of Golf Carts by Thomas Pepe (page 1) Why a Golf Course Superintendent Should Play Golf by Stephen Skowronski (2) Tree Pruning by Martin Walsh (3) Golf Course Labor: A Dilemma by Robert Barber (5) Turf Problems by Alexander M. Radko (A-1) 1967 Turfgrass Problems by Lee Record (A-3) Southern Turfgrass Production and Problems by Ralph W. White Jr. (A-5) Canadian Turf Grass Production and Problems by David Moote (A-8) Turf Research Abroad by C.R. Skogley (A-13) Turf Research at Home by Victor B. Younger (A-14) Turfgrass Research - An Industrial Approach by J. A. Simmons (A-16) Cutting Labor Costs in Turfgrass Managemnt by Tom Mascaro (A-24) The Reluctant human by John W. Denison (A-28) The Problem Drinker - Management Responsibility by G.E. Osburn (A-31) Contemporary Design Standards by Geoffrey S. Cornish (A-34) Construction - Superintendents' Viewpoint by Robert E. Grant (A-36) Construction b Contract and the Role of the Superintendent by David Canavan (A-39) Seed Production by Robert J. Peterson (A-41) Cemetery Turf Maintenance on a High and Low Budget by Stanley Sosenski (A-45) Ten Steps to a Good Lawn by John Zak (A-49) Review of Herbicides for Turf Weed Control by Alvin A. Baber (A-53)
  • Publication
    Turf Management Conference Proceedings
    The Value of Earthworms by Eric Johnson (page 1) Golf Course Bridge Construction by Robert A. Huntley (2) Importance of Trees and Care by Donald Pipczinski (3) Management Practices Help Control Turf Diseases by Larry Bunn (3) Class Will of '69 (5) Famous Sayings of '69 (6) The Reluctant Human by John Denison (A-1) Communicating by Frank Gallagher (A-4) Vandalism on the Golf Course by Edward B. Patroski (A-7) The GCSAA Organization - What it Means to You (A-13) Role of Potash in Turf Production by Lindsay D. Brown (A-17) Dew is Note Dew by Tom Mascaro (A-28) Insects in Turf and Their Control by John C. Schread (A-36) Turf Treatment and the Balance of Nature by Haim B. Gunner (A-39) The After-Effects of Irrigation by John C. Harper, II (A-40) Athletic Field Specifications by John C. Harper, II (A-45) Pennsylvania Turfgrass Survey by John C. Harper, II (A-52) Seeding Vs. Sodding by Norman Gray (A-54) Synthetic Turf by R. Spencer Thompson (A-58) Why Do We Have Dealers .. Does He Justify His Existence? (A-61) The Importance of Suppliers of Turf materials by John N. Magovern (A-64) Golf Course Maintenance at St. Andrews by John C. Campbell (A-68) Ground Covers for Golf Courses by Jack Eggens (A-75) Gardening - 600 BC to Country Club Road by Warren Bidwell (A-79) Blues Vs. Bents for Fairway Turf by James L. Holmes (A-87)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    Proper Watering by Earl P. Grey (page 1) Soil Structure and Plant Feeding for Trees and Shrubs on the Golf Course by William Teece (2) Power Golf Carts: A Blessing or a Curse by David Dunlavey (3) A Comparison by Paul White (3) Trees on a Golf Course by Oliver Leech (5) Turf Management Majors Want a Golf Team by Richard Rossiter (6) Class Will of '66 (7) Famous Last Words from 1966 (8) Turf Heating with Electric Cables by J.R. Barrett, Jr. and W.H. Daniel (A-1) Poa Annua Restriction by C. F. Kerr and W.H. Daniel (A-9) Phosphorus by Marvin H. Ferguson (A-14) Role of Potassium in Turf Grass management by R. E. Wagner (A-16) Role of Minor Elements in Turfgrass Management by Alexander Radko (A-22) Rhizoctonia Brown patch and Pythium Diseas by Malcolm C. Shurtleff (A-27) Sclerotinia Dollar Spot and "Snow Mold" by Noel Jackson (A-32) Fusarium Blight - Disease of Turf Grasses by George A. Bean (A-35) Observing the Weather - Old and New Techniques by Robert C. Copeland (A-39) Water Supply by Allan Grieve Jr. (A-41) Establishment and Maintenance of Campus Turf by William A. Lambert (A-51) Athletic Field Management by J. T. Williams (A-56)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings Conference Proceedings
    A Poem by David King (page 1) Dedication by William W. Wollinger (1) Keeping the Golfer Informed by Thomas Caputi (2) Tips on Keeping Your Help by Charles Lane (2) Control of Helminthosporium Diseases by Ronald Hodgkinson (4) Early history of Golf by Louis F. Facy (4) Modern Products for Modern Living by Rod Hermitage (6) Class Will of '67 (7) Soil Acidity and Liming by F.E. Hutchinson (A-1) History of Poa annua by John C. Harper II (A-2) Irrigation Practices on Poa annua by Joseph R. Flaherty (A-9) From Poa annua to Bluegrass by Charles H. Tadge (A-10) Renovation - Timing and Nutrients by Lee Record (A-13) Poa annua Panel - Questions and Answers by Alexander Radko (A-16) The Green Section Specifications for a Putting Green by James L. Holmes (A-19) Soil Modification and Results of Further testing by D.V. Waddington (A-25) Water in the Right Amount in the Right Place at the Right Time for Turf by Eliot C. Roberts (A-31) That's Not What I Said! Frank Gallagher (A-39) Growing and Distribution of Sod by Ben Warren (A-43) Post Management of Sod by George F. Stewart (A-44) Sod Certification by Henry W. Indyk (A-45) Management of Various Park and Turf Gardens by Robert W. Sharkey (A-47)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings
    Dedication of Turf Clippings to Robert Williams (1) Picture - Stockbridge Turf majors (2) Title page and contents (3) Greetings from Dean Sieling - College of Agriculture (4) Outstanding Men in Turfgrass Honored (4) Word From the Editor of Turf Clippings (5) Message From the 1958 Winter School President (6) Summary of 1958 University of Massachusetts Turfgrass Conference - Al Radko (6-9) Importance of Superintendences Associations - Anthony B. Caranci (10) Picture - Turf Grass Interest Stretch from Coast to Coast (11) Picture - 1958 Winter School for Turf Managers (12) Golf Courses in California - James C. Scott (13) The Constant Battle - Joseph Troll (13) Recognition of the Golf Course Superintendent - Frederick Bove (14-15) 1958 Winter School Comments (16) Maintenance of Insurance Grounds - George J. Moore Jr. (17-18) Don't Get Caught Short - Bruce Silven (19-20) We Have had It - They Now Have it - These Two Shall Have it - Orville O. Clapper (21) The Golf Course Superintendent - Prof. L. S. Dickinson (22-23) Picture - Winter School Alumni Meet at Conference (24) Cartoons (25) Cost of Lawn and Golf Course Construction - Geoffrey Cornish (26-27) Turf Club News (28-29) 1957 Horticulture Show Winner (30) Frosting on the Cake (30) Number One Graduate (31) 1957 Stockbridge Turf majors - Work (32) Turf management Club Associate Memberships (32)
  • Publication
    Turf Clippings and Annual Turfgrass Conference Proceedings
    Seed testing - A Service for You by Miss Jessie L. Anderson (page 1) Increased Interest in Two-Year Turf Course by Fred P. Jeffrey - Director of Stockbridge (4) From the Editor (4) Message From Winter School President of 1959 (5) Turf club News (6) Number One Graduate (8) Liquid Fertilization by A.B. Longo (9) Public School Grounds by James Woodhouse (12) Comments on the 1959 Winter School (14) Picture - Stockbridge Turf Majors (16) Picture - Honorary Members of Turf Management Club (17) Letter on Chemical Compatibility (18) The Most Outstanding Turf Senior for 1958 (19) What it Means to be a Turf Manager by R. Russell (20) 10 Steps to a Better Lawn by P. Pedrazzi (24) A Scene to Remember (25) I switched from Hots to Cools by J. Spodnik (26) Why Attend Turfgrass Conferences (27) Picture - Winter School for Turf Managers - 1959 (29) Picture - University of Masssachusetts Annual Turfgrass Conference (30) Organic Fertilizers by O.J. Noer (A-1) Inorganic Fertilizers by Charles Winchell (A-1) Urea Formaldehyde by G.F. Stewart (A-2) Phosphorus and Potash Fertilization by Raph Donaldson (A-3) Questions on Fertilization to the Panel (A-4) Cemetery Maintenance by S.E. Robbins (A-6) Lime by Anson Brewer (A-6) Limited Budgets by R.W. Sharkey (A-7) Fertilization of Park Turf by E.J. Pyle (A-7) Disease and Insect Control by Orlando Capizzi (A-8) Cost of Establishing Turf by Victor Taricano (A-9) Question and Answers (A-10) Control of Pests of Ornamentals and Turf Occuring on Golf Courses by John C. Schread (A-12) Behind the Scenes in Soil Testing and What it Means to You Bertram Gersten and Wm. G. Colby (A-19) Lessons Learned from the 1958 Season as Applied to Golf Course Maintenance by A.M. Radko (A-21) The Outlook in Chemical Weed Control on Fine Turf by John Gallagher (A-24) New Developments in Turfgrass Disease Diagnosis and Control by Frank Howard (A-26)