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Publication December 1965(1965) Clapper, O. O.; Troll, Joseph; Keohane, Joseph; Zak, John; Button, E. F.; Thomas, Liedsey Kay; Bean, George A.; Gilmore, A. R.; Cate, H. A.; Byrne, T. G.; Davis, W. B.; Booher, L. J.; Werenfels, L. F.Massachusetts Turf and Lawn Grass Council Better Turf Through Research and EducationPublication Fall 1983(1983) Lucas, Pat; Reilly, Ann; Butler, J. D.; Feldhake, C. M.; Hurley, R. H.; Funk, C. Reed; Bhowmik, Prasanta C.; Goss, Roy L.Canada Geese Control (page 3) Coloring the Course (5) Irrigation's Role for Turf and Landscape (7) Perennial Ryegrass Update (12) Crabgrass - A Common Troublesome Weed in Turfgrass (15) Thatch and Its Control (18)Publication Spring 1984 Conference Issue(1984) Torello, William A.; Symington, Anna G.; Mancino, Charles F.; Clifton, Elizabeth L.; Spokas, Lesley A.; Troll, Joseph; Zak, John M.; Dernoeden, Peter H.Research Update (page 3) Low Management Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivar Trials (5) Nitrogen Leaching Losses from N Fertilizer Applied to Turf (8) Fifty-third Annual Turf Conference and Eighth Industrial Show (10) Liquid Versus Dry Nitrogren Fertilizer Applications on Kentucky Bluegrass (13) Growth Retardant, Embark (16) Fungicides: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (18)Publication May 1963(1963) Wheeler, E. H.; Grant, Bob; Southwick, Richard; Baker, John H.; Zak, JohnMassachusetts Turf and Lawn Grass Council Better Turf Through Research and EducationPublication Spring 1985(1985) Beasley, Chris; Beard, James; Carrow, Robert N.; Wilson, ChuckThe New England Sod Industry (page 3) New Trends and Research in Turfgrass Culture (5) Fifty-Fourth Annual Turf Conference and Ninth Industrial Show Irrigation Programming (13) Landscape Development in Large Residential Communities (17)Publication Winter 1978(1978) Emerson, William; Christiansen, O. A.; Zak, John M.The Psychological Approach to Golf Course Management (page 3) Massachusetts Pesticide News (6) Cross-Country Skiing: Good Winter Recreation that Pays its Own Way (8) Sacrification of Large Scale Areas, e.g. Golf Course Fairways, Winter Games Areas, Etc. (15) Plant Materials for Outlying Areas Biological Control of Crop Diseases (18)Publication Spring 1979 Conference Issue(1979) Hurto, K. A.; Boicourt, Alfred W.; Sinclair, W. A.; Pira, E. S.Principles of Turfgrass Weed Control Annual Grasses (page 3) Bean-Shape Islands (7) High Protein Food From Grass (8) Forty-Eighth Annual Turf Conference and Third Industrial Show Program (10) "Dutch Elm Disease: Perspectives After 60 Years" (13) Toro Irrigation Design Seminar (14) Ideas: New and Old (15) More Pesticide Exams (16) Disposal of Pesticides in Massachusetts (18) Moth Controls Nutsedge Weeds (19) New Pesticide Bill (20)Publication Summer 1979(1979) Troll, Joseph; Hurto, K. A.Fertilizer Programs for Bluegrass and Ryegrasses (page 3) Turfgrass Slide Sets Available (6) Seed Extracts Repel Japanese Beetles (8) Principles of Turfgrass Weed Control (10) How Regulation is Impacting on Pesticide Research (12) UMass Turfgrass Research Fund (20) UMass Turfgrass Research Field Day (20)Publication Fall 1979(1979) Shortle, Walter C.; Cox, Jeff; Holmes, Francis W.; Chater, Clifford S.; DeCrosta, AnthonyNew Ideas in Tree Care (page 3) 'Wonder Water' (6) Herbicides: Are They Safe? (9) University of Massachusetts Turfgrass Field Day (10) The Shade Tree Laboratories of Massachusetts--Origin and Public Services (11) Do Pesticides Cause Allergies (14) Federal Noxious Weed Act Funded (18) Your Opinion Please (18)Publication Winter 1979(1979) Tristan, John; Boyd, Joe Don; Miller, Fred P.; Hurto, K. A.; Kristy, Pat; Troll, JosephClubhouse Plants (page 3) Massachusetts Pesticide News (6) The Alsea Report on 2,4,5-T (8) Better Pest Control (10) Acid Rain: Something Else to Worry About? (11) UMass Turfgrass Research Update (13) 1979 Preemergence Crabgrass Control TrialPublication Spring 1980 Conference Issue(1980) O'Connor, John; Meyer, William A.Plastic Water Pipe: How Well Does it Hold Up? (page 3) Forty-Ninth Annual Turf Conference and Fourth Industrial Show Program (10) Blend Bluegrasses for Best Disease Resistance (13) Dollar Spot Fungicide Trials--1979 (16) UMass Turfgrass Research Fund (18)Publication Summer 1980(1980) Hurto, K. A.; Foster, RuthPrinciples of Turfgrass Weed Control III. Broadleaf Weeds (page 3) To Stop Leaks, First Find Them (6) Turgrass Research Field Day (9) Gypsy Moth (10) Try Ground Covers for Low-Maintenance (13) Pesticide News (18)Publication Fall 1980(1980) Bebka, Alan; Boicourt, Alfred W.; Carrow, Robert N.; O'Kelly, JamesChronic Organo-Phosphate Poisoning (page 3) Perennials (7) Topdressing (10) Winter Problems of Shade Trees (15) Fall Color (18)Publication Spring 1981 Conference Issue(1981) Zak, Ruth S.; Hillel, Daniel; Troll, JosephFifty Years of Turf Management Education at the University of Massachusetts (page 3) Commentary: A Case for Conditional Optimism (7) Fiftieth Annual Turf Conference and Fifth Industrial Show (10) Dollar Spot Fungicide Trials --1980 (12) Tree News (14) Insurance Requirements (16) UMass Turfgrass Research Fund (18) Exams (19)Publication Summer 1981(1981) Knake, Ellery L.; Larry, T. L.; Wilkinson, J. F.; Miller, R. H.; Lembi, Carol A.; Horton, Ted; Ames, HoraceEditorial (page 3) Results of Field Test to Study Human Exposure to 2,4,5,-T Application (4) Investigation and Treatment of Localized Dry Spots on Sand Golf Greens (6) Aquatic Weed Control- In Review (11) Golf Course Superintendent - A Perspective (14) Four Seasons Ground Maintenance (16)Publication August 1963(1963) McKenzie, M. A.; Pira, E. S.; Keohane, Joseph A.; Kacperska-Palacz, A.Turf and Lawn Grass Association Better turf through research and EducationPublication Fall 1981(1981) Vittum, Patricia J.; Paulson, Dan; Early, Bob; Fleck, Elmer R.Turf Clippings (page 3) Registration of Oftanol^R (Isofenphos) (4) Effect of pH Organic Matter and Solid Texture on Herbicides (6) Lawn Care: Big Potential for FluidsPublication Spring 1982 Conference Issue(1982) Ragsdale, Nancy N.; Torello, William A.; Davis, William B.; Paul, Jack A.Turf Clippings (page 3) How the RPAR Process is Working (4) Cellular and Genetic Engineering Techniques Applied Towards the Improvement of Turfgrass (7) Fifty-First Annual Turf Conference and Sixth Industrial Show (10) Natural Versus Artificial Turf--an Economical Alternative (13) Fertility Assay of Sands (17)Publication Summer 1982(1982) Vittum, Patricia J.; Vargas, J. M.; Troll, Joseph; Spokas, Mickey; Karnosky, David F.; Jones, Clive G.Registration of Isofenphos (page 3) Managing Annual Bluegrass (4) Helminthosporium Leaf Spot Fungicide Control Trial--1981 (8) Cultivar Trials--1981 (9) Dollar Spot (Sclerotinia Homeocarpa Sp.) Fungicide Control Trial--1981 (14) Living with the Gypsy Moth (15)Publication Fall 1982(1982) Hauck, Roland D.; Moffat, Anne; Funk, RogerTurf Clippings (page 3) Using Nitrogen Efficiently - Theoretical Aspects (4) Life After Frost (12) Liability and The Lawn Care Industry (16)