Various CIE Education Development Projects

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This collection contains documents related to some of the many smaller education development projects around the world implemented by CIE. Each item begins with the name of the country where the project took place.


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  • Publication
    Democratic Republic of Congo: VAS-Y Fille! Summary Evaluation Report
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2017-03) Randall, Jennifer; Nordtveit, Bjorn H.
    This is a report on an $870,000 evaluation contract implemented by CIE faculty of the Valorisation de la Scolarisation de la Fille (VAS-Y Fille!) project in five provinces in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from 2013-2017. The VAS-Y Fille! project was designed with four key project outputs that contribute in a complementary fashion to ensuring that marginalized girls are retained in primary schools and demonstrate improved learning outcomes. To evaluate the extent to which key outcomes of the project were met, four waves of data collection occurred between September 2013 and June 2016, through approximately three years of implementation. The data collection waves are referred to as Baseline (2013), Annual (2014), Midline (2015), and Endline (2016). A randomized control trial (RCT) was employed to accurately capture the project’s impact. Then, stratified random sampling was used to ensure equal representation. The use of (RCT) allowed the project to answer the causal question “did VAS-Y Fille! activities cause changes in girls’ reading and math outcomes?”
  • Publication
    Uganda: Tororo Girls' School
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1972-05) Doubleday, Elwyn; Haviland, Michael R.
    The Tororo Girls’ School (TGS) contract was signed in 1963 with the School of Education at UMass. CIE inherited and continued implementing the project after CIE was formed in 1968. UMass was charged with planning, construction, equipping, staffing and administration of the TGS. The project was jointly supported by USAID and the Government of Uganda. The school opened in 1965. UMass was responsible for developing the curriculum, training the staff, and administering the project. The School is a comprehensive secondary school combining academic subjects with vocational subjects. It has a capacity of 600 girls who can choose between streams in Home Economics, Commercial Skills and academic subjects, thus allowing them to go directly into jobs which require their skills.
  • Publication
    South Sudan: (SBEP) Performance Monitoring Plan and Annual Report 2004-05
    (CARE International, 2005-12-20) CARE International
    CIE managed a $3.7 million SBEP sub-contract from CARE International from 2002 to 2007. The project had three major goals: Improving teacher training; increasing the capacity of schools to deliver quality education – especially for girls; and improving nonformal education opportunities for out-of-school youth and adult learners. This is an evaluation report and the annual report for 2004-2005
  • Publication
    Guatemala: COMAL Subcontractor Final Technical Report
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2000) Multiple Authors
    This final technical report provides a detailed account of the role played by the Center for International Education (CIE) sub-contractor to Save the Children/USA (SC/USA) in the USAID-funded Community Mobilization and Literacy (COMAL) Project. Included in this report is a list of materials and documents developed by the Center and/or Center supervised staff. CIE played a major role in development of the conceptual framework for the COMAL Project. This included the development of the Integrated Community Literacy (ICL) methodology, vision and definition documents, training strategies and plans, ICL curriculum for initial literacy used as the basis for training and classroom practices as well as all training and literacy-learning materials shared by COMAL with counterparts. CIE was in charge of designing and developing all training plans and curriculum used for training local NGO partners. There were ultimately more than a dozen NGO partners including ADEJUC, FUNDAZUCAR, FUNDES, CRS – an umbrella for three smaller NGO’s, ADEJUC, FUNDAZUCAR, FUNDES, FUNRURAL, FUNDAP, COINDI and SHARE. CIE created two distinct but complementary training designs – one for the literacy workers and another for trainers that included specific training and TOT information.
  • Publication
    South Sudan: Sudan Basic Education Project (SBEP) Annual Report: October 2003 - September 2004
    (2004-01-01) CARE International
    CIE managed a $3.7 million SBEP sub-contract from CARE International from 2002 to 2007. The project had three major goals: Improving teacher training; increasing the capacity of schools to deliver quality education – especially for girls; and improving nonformal education opportunities for out-of-school youth and adult learners. The primary mechanism for achieving these goals is the creation of the Education Support Network (ESN), a new framework for the delivery of services and programs for the Secretariat of Education (SoE). ESN is an implementation and training structure encompassing all SoE operational levels from the SoE central office to the regions, counties and payams with the provision of education and management programs. Regional Teacher Training Institutes (RTTis) provide pre-service teacher education courses with Program Trainers based at these institutes who are responsible for providing guidance and support to Tutors based at the County Education Centers (CECs). These Tutors, in turn, organize and implement a range of training programs such as In-service Teacher Education, Education Management, Alternative Education System/Non-Formal Education (AES/NFE), and Gender Equity Support Programs.
  • Publication
    Uganda: The Impact of a Diversified Educational Program on Career Goals: Tororo Girls' School in the Context of Girls' Education
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1970) Evans, David R.; Schimmel, Gordon L.
    The research reported in this study was undertaken as part of an ongoing relationship between the Government of Uganda, USAID, and the University of Massachusetts. The study sought to better understand the impact of Tororo Girls' School and the implications of its comprehensive education program in the context of girls' education in Uganda. While too soon for evaluation of a school which had been in operation only five years, there was nevertheless considerable interest in looking at the contribution of the school to the education of girls in Uganda. There was also interest in the school because it represented one of three large-scale, comprehensive secondary schools set up jointly by American and African governments during the 1960s. The Ugandan government was interested in the study as a source of information for the ongoing policy decisions regarding the content and focus of girls' education in the country. The specific goals of the study involve looking closely at the backgrounds of the girls admitted to the secondary schools in the sample and then looking at the characteristics of the girls produced by these schools. Variables studied include: girls' expectations for further education, their occupational aspirations, their desired conditions of employment, and their attitudes toward their future roles in the country. Within this general setting the study focuses on the specialized curricula and the guidance program at Tororo which provided a unique model of a diversified girls' secondary school. Basically the question being asked is whether a program such as that at Tororo does a better job of preparing girls to become productive members of society than the programs which are typical of most schools at the moment. The study also looks at some of the internal dynamics of the Tororo program, particularly in terms of the way the girls view each of the specialized streams. The investigation centers on selection into the streams, activities during the two years of specialized training, and the influence of the training upon girls' expectations and subsequent employment experience.
  • Publication
    Indonesia: Implementation of a Large-Scale Nonformal Education Project
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1972) Evans, David R.
    This is a book-length description of a large-scale, national implementation of a nonformal/community education project in Indonesia financed by a World Bank loan and jointly implemented by the Directorate of Community Education (PENMAS) and the Center for International Education at UMass Amherst. It describes the major components of the PENMAS nonformal Education Project. The text is organized in the following manner: Chapters I, II and III give the reader an overview of PENMAS, including its history and development, and of the scope and goals of the project. Chapters IV, V and VI describe various types and levels of staff training conducted under the project, an activity which was a critical component in the building of PENMAS' institutional capacity in nonformal education. Chapter VII presents and analyzes the complex materials development systems and types of learning materials produced by PENMAS. Chapter VIII describes the PENMAS framework for evaluation and discusses several principles of formative evaluation derived from this project's experience. Chapter IX reviews highlights from the summative evaluation project report, including a description of the evaluation design and the methodology and policies recommended as a result of the data analysis. Finally, chapter X elaborates on the relationship developed between PENMAS and the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts and the collaborative techniques used in managing the technical assistance component. Chapter XI concludes with a look to future possibilities of PENMAS based on project experience.
  • Publication
    Lesotho: Basic and Nonformal Education Sytems (BANFES) Project Final Report
    (1991) Pursley, Linda A.
    BANFES was a USAID-funded project in Lesotho. The project focused on four parts of the Ministry of Education: the headquarters of the Ministry; the National Teacher Training College; the National curriculum Development Center; and, the Rural Skills Training Center. CIE worked with each of these four institutions to upgrade teacher training and provide integrated training packages appropriate to personnel needs across all project sectors. The CIE contract was for $4.5 million. I have chosen to report my work by logframe outputs, using the question and answer format developed by the Project Evaluation Office for conducting interviews and collecting data on initiatives which were not otherwise evaluated. The second section relates my work to the relevant contractual obligations. Finally, I attempt to summarize what has been accomplished, and to reflect on the current situation and possible directions for the future. My work with BANFES in Lesotho covers the period beginning in September 1985 and concluding in February 1991. Throughout this period, I have been assigned to work as "Practical Skills Education Specialist" at the National Teacher Training College (NTTC). In late 1988, I was asked to work cross-component with the Horne Economics and Health and Physical Education Divisions at the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC). Following the departure of the previous component coordinators in January 1990, I also assumed responsbility for coordination of Component II.
  • Publication
    Lesotho: BANFES Final Report 1991
    (1991) Schorn, Frank
    Staff development has been a central theme for the BANFES project over the past 5 years and training has indeed pervaded every aspect of the project in all its goals, tasks and accomplishments. Trained and confident Ministry of Education (MOE) personnel were considered critical to assure effective systems, procedures, curriculum and materials. It was expected that trained individuals would continue to improve Lesotho's education system. This report is a review of tasks and accomplishments associated with the coordination of training for a complex and decentralized project which involved over 10 000 participants in 300 activities. Included in the report is a review of the process and procedures used in for establishing the BANFES training component as required by the Project Document, an outline of the logistical support provided and a summary of outcomes both in terms of completed training and structures for institutionalization and sustainability that were established. It should be noted that my tasks were twofold: To establish a mechanism resulting in the effective coordination of all project training based on needs identified at each component by Technical Advisors and local staff. To help establish a Ministry of Education training infrastructure which could be useful after the completion of the Project.