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Evaluation of Twaweza, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
The Center for International Education was awarded a contract by Twaweza, a non-profit organization, to serve as the independent evaluation entity for their initiative based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Twaweza ("we can make it happen" in Swahili) is a ten-year initiative, funded by the Dutch development organizations Hivos and SNV and other donors. Its overall goal is to foster citizen-driven change and to empower East African citizens (in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda) to advocate for access to and the quality of basic services (particularly basic education, clean water, and health services).
Principal Investigator, Gretchen Rossman, Co-Principal Investigator, David R. Evans, and Senior Technical Advisor, Ash Hartwell, lead the one-year evaluation assisted by a an evaluation team based in Dar es Salaam. The team designed key evaluation strategies and instruments, including:
- an extensive literature review on citizen-driven change
- draft baseline questionnaires
- case study designs
- workshops in Dar es Salaam.
Materials in this folder should be cited as follows:
This document was prepared with support from Twaweza. No official endorsement should be inferred.