Conference Proceedings

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  • Publication
    The Application of Dual-Beam Acoustic Survey Techniques for Fish Population Estimation in Lakes
    (American Fisheries Society, 1985) Burczynski, J J; Karp, W A
    Hydroacoustic surveys were conducted on Cultus Lake in British Columbia and Lake Oahe in South Dakota in July, 1983. Dual-beam and echo integration techniques were employed. Estimates of pelagic fish abundance were obtained at Cultus Lake compared well with those obtained from mid-water trawl samples. Acoustic target strength data collected at Lake Oahe indicated a bimodal size distribution of fish; mid-water trawl samples indicated that this distribution was due to the presence of adult and juvenile rainbow smelt.
  • Publication
    Bioengineering Problems in River Systems of the Central Valley, California
    (American Fisheries Society, 1991) Brown, R L
    California's Sacramento-San Joaquin River system drains the Central Valley and has been extensively developed to provide water to domestic, industrial, and agricultural users and to control floods. The system also provides essential habitat for several species of anadromous and resident fish, including chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha and striped bass Morone saxatilis . This article describes three situations (Red Bluff Diversion Dam, the upper Sacramento River, and Delta diversions) in which bioengineering has been used, or will be used, to develop measures designed to protect fishery resources at water project features. In general, mitigation measures have not always been effective, partly because of poor communication among biologists, planners, and design engineers. There are indications in California that project planners are now more aware of fishery concerns and that this awareness will result in more effective engineering solutions to complex biological problems.
  • Publication
    The Great Columbia River Basin Flow Debate: What Are They Saying and Why?
    (American Fisheries Society, 1993) Brown, B J
    Dam development caused physical changes in the Columbia River system. Two major physical changes are described. Key biological information on the effects of these changes on Snake River chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) is reviewed. Effects on other species, such as steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), and on other stocks such as Mid-Columbia chinook, are not separately addressed, though many of the problems are the same. Present and future mitigation for these effects is discussed.
  • Publication
    Three-dimensional movement of silver-phase American eels in the forebay of a small hydroelectric facility
    (American Fisheries Society, 2009-01-01) Brown, L; Haro, A; Castro-Santos, T
    Declines in the population of the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, alongthe northwestern Atlantic have stimulated resource managers to consider the impactof hydroelectric facilities on silver-phase eels as they migrate downstream to thesea. During the fall of 2002, we investigated the movement of migrant eels passingdownstream of a small hydroelectric facility on the Connecticut River (Massachusetts).We used three-dimensional acoustic telemetry to monitor fine-scale movementof telemetered silver eels in the forebay (the first 100 m of area directly upstream ofthe dam). Eel movements were tracked approximately every three seconds, and individualswimming pathways were reconstructed to compare the three-dimensional resultswith biotelemetry methods previously used at this site; conventional telemetrysystems included radio, PIT, and acoustic telemetry. We found that three-dimensionalacoustic telemetry provided the necessary fine-scale resolution to characterize dominantmovement patterns and locations of passage. Eels were detected at all depthsthroughout the forebay; however, they spent the greatest proportion of their timenear the bottom, with occasional vertical movements to the surface. Eels exhibiteda range of movements interpreted to be downstream searching behavior, includingaltered vertical and horizontal positions at or near the trash racks and various loopingmovements directly upstream of the trash racks and throughout the entire forebay. Asubstantial number of these eels (28%) were detected re-entering the acoustic arrayon multiple dates before passing the station. The majority (89%) were detected passingdownstream of the dam through the turbines.
  • Publication
    Experiences in evaluating surface and diffused-air aerators
    (American Fisheries Society, 1991) Boyd, C E
    Vertical pump, pump sprayer, propeller-aspirator-pump, paddle wheel, and diffused-air aerators powered by electric motors or by takeoffs from farm tractors are used widely to aerate aquaculture ponds. Performance tests suggested that electric paddle wheel aerators are the most efficient in transferring oxygen and circulating pond water. A design for a highly efficient paddle wheel aerator is described. Aeration can improve dissolved oxygen concentrations, enhance the efficiency of feed utilization, and increase aquacultural production and profits. Aerator placement and the use of aerator controllers are discussed.