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This collection contains selected writings of faculty members who have been associated with CIE at various times over the years. They are primarily publications that resulted from activities with CIE.
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Publication Moving Beyond Cultural Barriers: Successful Strategies of Female Technology Education Teachers(2008-01-01) McCarthy, Raymond R; Berger, Joseph BWomen are underrepresented in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math fields of study and careers with a subset of STEM--Technology Education--possibly one of the least integrated fields for women as students and as professionals (Akmal, Oaks, & Barker, 2004; Braundy, 2004; Braundy, Petrina, Dalley & Paxton, 2000; Zuga, 1996; Zuga, 1999). What accounts for this situation and what are potential remedies? The purpose of this study was to learn about the ways in which female technology education teachers understand sources of influence on their career choices. The findings from this study are intended to provide insights into the participants; perspectives that might shed light on how to better encourage females to aspire to and enter technology education as a profession. The conclusions derived from this study may help to create a deeper understanding of how women move beyond cultural barriers and make "unexpected transitions" to become female technology education teachers. This qualitative study is based on interviews with ten female technology education teachers.Publication Training "Deep Practitioners": 50-years of the Center for International Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst(2021-01-01) Evans, David R.This chapter presents a brief analytic history of the initial 50 years of the Center for International Education (CIE) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst with the goal of understanding what made it possible and what can be learned from it for the future of Comparative and International Education programs in other universities. The chapter begins with the unusual context in which CIE was created and its commitment to a synergistic linkage between academics and managing funded, development education programs. The discussion then describes CIE’s defining characteristics, the challenges it faced, its current situation, and the insights that can be gleaned from its history. The chapter concludes with comments on the implications for the future shape of CE/IE graduate programs and centers at universities. The author is the Founding Director of CIE who has led the program for most of its 50-year history.Publication Publication Certifying Adult Education Staff and Faculty(2011-01-01) Smith, Cristine; Gomez, RicardoPublication How Teachers Change: A Study of Professional Development in Adult Basic Education(2003-01-01) Smith, Cristine; Hofer, Judy; Gillespie, Marilyn; Solomon, Marla; Rowe, KarenPublication Establishing an Evidence-based Adult Education System(2003-01-01) Smith, Cristine; Comings, John; Beder, Hal; Reder, Stephen; Bingman, BethPublication The Role of the Global Coalition for Africa in Human Resource Development and Capacity Building(1991) Evans, David R.This report analyses the education component of the Human Resource Development sector in order to recommend specific activities which take advantage of the capabilities of the Global Coalition for Africa (GCA). The paper looks at four sector-wide options and two sub-sector options, chosen because of the potential benefits from GCA involvement in them. The four sector-wide options are: 1) Increasing government support for Human Resource Development. 2) Diversifying the Supply of Educational Services. 3) Formulation of National Education Policy, and 4) Rationalization of High-Level Meetings. Of the four the best option for GCA is the first, which enables GCA to use its reputation and access to advocate for human development with national leaders. The sub-sector options discussed are 1) Vocational Education and Skill Training, and 2) Higher Education. Both of these areas need consensus building and coordination of development efforts. GCA could usefully promote both these areas in the second and third years of their program, after having highlighted the critical importance of human development in the first year. There are four international organizations with which GCA can collaborate as partners: 1) the Task Force of Donors to African Education, 2) the African Capacity Building Initiative, 3) UNDP’s National Long-Term Perspective Studies, and 4) UNESCO. GCA needs to establish liaison and mutual understanding with all four, but can be most productive by undertaking joint activities with the Donors to African Education during its first three years. The report outlines three possible levels of GCA involvement in the human development sector. Two annexes are included: Annex A describes the organization of the Donors to African Education and the activities of their working groups. Annex B contains an analysis of higher education in Africa and the activities of the major donors. More detailed recommendations for GCA Activities are contained in the accompanying memorandum “GCA Work Program in Human Resources Development and Capacity Building.”Publication Participation in Nonformal Education at the Local Level: Ghana and Indonesia(1983) Evans, David R.Publication Human Resources Development: Literacy, Schooling, Nonformal Education, Women's Education(1990) Evans, David R.Education in Namibia under the illegal colonial regime (was) characterized by inequality, segregation and other apartheid conditions...Schools for various population groups are segregated along racial and ethnic lines. Ethnicity is promoted at the cost of national unity by the provision of segregated schools, linguistic segregation, and curricula that attempt to promote the special status of whites. While education is compulsory for whites, there are not enough schools for Africans. The schools for Africans are staffed with unqualified or inadequately qualified teachers... Pupil to teacher ratios in the African schools are much higher than those in the white schools. Funds allocated for the education of the white pupils are many times higher... The education system in Namibia thus works against promoting national unity and the creation of an egalitarian society. The new education system in independent Namibia will need to correct these wrongs. An alternative education policy must therefore view the need for change as its central theme... Toward achieving this change the Liberation Movement has identified the following areas of action: 1) Urgent training of technical and professional cadres... ; 2) Provision for work-oriented, comprehensive education and training for illiterate and semi-literate adults; 3) Laying the foundation of a free and universal education for all Namibians from primary, through secondary to university level by training many teachers and educationists now; and 4) Developing the people's cultural creativeness. These areas of action emphasize that any meaningful development depends on the development of human resources through education ... (and) that education must embody the ethos of total liberation of man from the humiliations of the past, ignorance, superstition, and exploitation. (The) objectives outlined above cannot be viewed as day one conditions but should be considered long term guidelines because their implementation would require significant structural changes, enormous resources, and, above all, favorable attitudes ... implementation of these guidelines would therefore need to be synchronized with the overall national policies of independent Namibia. (UNIN, 1984, p. 20-23)Publication Opportunities and Options for Human Resource Development in Swaziland for 1989 and Beyond(1988) Evans, David R.Publication Analysis of Learning Needs for Rural Development: Some Basic Issues(1976) Evans, DavidOne of the major problems being faced by developing countries throughout the world is concerned with the eradication of poverty, disease and backwardness from their rural areas. The task of transforming and modernizing rural societies is no doubt very difficult and complex, but at the same time a very urgent one, and should be given high priority in the overall plans and programmes of national development. This is because a much larger percentage of population in developing countries lives in rural areas compared to that in the developed countries. In some developing countries, especially in Africa and Asia, the rural population constitutes more than 75 percent of the total population. Furthermore, of the population in developing countries considered to be in either absolute or relative poverty, more than 80 percent are estimated to live in rural areas. There are many other socio-economic and political factors that generate a pressing need for urgent action towards rural upliftment.Publication Assessing How Diversity Affects Students' Interest in Social Change(2005-01-01) Malaney, Gary D; Berger, Joseph BAs the country's racial/ethnic minority representation increases, colleges and universities have increasingly sought to diversify their enrollments in order to better prepare all students to live and work in a diverse democracy. However, diversification may negatively affect campus climate and undergraduate peer relations leading to both increased racial tensions and to lower levels of satisfaction and retention for both minority and majority students. This study examined the effects of students; entry characteristics, pre-college environments, and pre-college activities on 3 democratic outcomes that serve as potential indicators of new undergraduate students; readiness to positively engage with diversity: social change self-efficacy, social action engagement, and social leadership skills. Data were collected from 1 of 10 public universities that participated in a 2001 national study that investigated how diversity helps shape students' attitudes and beliefs. The results indicate that students who are more engaged with diversity prior to college are more likely to perceive themselves as ready to proactively engage with diversity as college students.Publication Using the Work and Words of Other Authors: A guide to APA Style for International Students - and Others(2002-01-01) Evans, David R.; Rossman, Gretchen B.In the academic world of universities in the United States, the rules governing how and when you may use the ideas and words of others are taken very seriously. There are widely varying cultural assumptions about how knowledge is created and legitimated, and varying norms about the treatment of existing writings by subsequent authors. The Western academic world is highly individualistic and places emphasis on being able to judge and give credit for the work of each student or researcher. "World majority" students from collectivist societies come from nations where one's experiences, thoughts and ideas are interwoven with those of others, both living and dead.Publication The Thrill of High Technology; The Agony of Educational Reality in the Classroom(1985) Evans, David R.Publication The Use of Graphical Analysis In Education Planning(1968) Evans, David R.This paper discusses the use of graphical techniques as tools of analysis and projection in planning the growth of an educational system. Graphs are shown to be particularly valuable when used to investigate the implications of alternate growth patterns for various aspects of the school system. The technique is intended to precede and augment the usual forms of statistical analysis. Reasons are suggested why graphs are particularly appropriate to the rapidly growing educational systems in developing countries.Publication The Planning of Nonformal Education(1981) Evans, David R.Publication Technology in Nonformal Education: A Critical Appraisal(1976) Evans, David R.Publication The Educational Policy Dilemma for Rural Areas(1981) Evans, David R.Publication Responsive Educational Planning: Myth or Reality?(1977) Evans, David R.Published version is located at Indonesia: Implementation of a Large-Scale Nonformal Education Project(1972) Evans, David