2021 Joint ACRL NEC / NELIG Annual Conference

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Recent Submissions

  • Publication
    Center Yourself: Find Your Balance through Reflective Practices
    (2021-05-25) Barbrow, Sarah
    How often do you hear “It’s so important to reflect on your teaching!” and how often do you actually do it? How does one actually go about reflecting on their instruction? In this 50 minute interactive workshop, we will spend time using several frameworks to reflect in different ways on a recent instructional experience.
  • Publication
    Building Sustainable Instruction through Microlearning Opportunities
    (2021-05-26) McCoy, Erin; Neary, Kathryn
    Community college libraries face a wealth of challenges with information literacy instruction. This presentation will review the decision to build our own online information literacy modules, the process of creating the modules as a team, and the reception of the modules.
  • Publication
    We're all about the space: Taking inclusive library spaces to another level
    (2021-05-25) Fahey, Catherine; Fitzpatrick, Tara; Stahura, Dawn; Ryder, Rukmal; McKeigue, Elizabeth
    In 2019, our library had the opportunity to make some low-cost, high-impact changes to existing spaces to address ever-evolving student, faculty, staff, and community needs. In this session we will share our proposal process, budgeting, design, outreach efforts, and ongoing work with campus partners in the repurposing of space to create four new library spaces.
  • Publication
    Radical Empathy: A Person-Centered Approach to Library Management
    (2021-05-26) Edmonds, Sarah
    Radical Empathy – A Person-Centered Approach to Library Management: This presentation focused on the application of emotional intelligence methods within a library setting. Topics included balancing emotional and cognitive empathy; applying a person-centered approach to management practices; and engaging in critical reflection to facilitate deeper self-understanding. The goal is to create high-functioning and effective libraries where staff feel valued and supported.
  • Publication
    Making the Case for Alternative Student-centered Assignments
    (2021-05-25) Stahura, Dawn; Fitzpatrick, Tara
    In presentation, Dawn and Tara talk about two different student-centered projects; zines and book talks, and the impact these projects had on the students and the library collections.
  • Publication
    Blending Scalability and Customization in Instruction Modules to Expand a First-Year Information Literacy Program
    (2021-05-24) Peck, Benjamin
    In this session, a student success librarian shared how they expanded the reach of their instruction program by creating customized instruction modules within a scalable model. Participants reflected on how they could strike a balance between the opposing ideals of customization and scalability to achieve sustainable success in an era of limited resources.
  • Publication
    Changing Your Outlook to Reinvent Your Librarian Role: Finding Balance Between Your Job Description and What You Like to Do
    (2021-05-24) Borrego, Paulina; Will, Carol
    In every job, there is a balance between what you like to do and what you must do. Learning how to strike a balance between the two can help lead to a more fulfilling and harmonious career. Using storytelling and attendee prompts, we will discuss words of advice and encouragement based on our experiences of how we have each taken our roles and transformed them to suit our talents, strengths, and passions.
  • Publication
    Creating "Healthy" Connections: What Role Can the Library Play in Fitness and Wellness Programs?
    (2021-05-25) Kegler, Jennifer Little
    In this presentation you will learn how to foster fitness and well-being in your library and workplace. This event encourages employees to use either the employee fitness center or the “gym” on campus, in hours before or after work, or during the lunch hour. It also includes individual exercise, as well as other activities like short walk breaks or “walk and talk” meetings. Advantages for the library include: increased contact with faculty and staff, leading to additional instruction sessions and requests to create or tailor LibGuides for courses and programs; a fun “healthy” competition between library and IT staff (who are housed in the library); and an exemplary way to exhibit a better work/life balance. Learn about the events that were held leading up to the race, including successes and failures, and return to your campus invigorated and ready to run, walk, or roll!
  • Publication
    Building a Sustainable Library Instruction Program Through Curriculum Mapping
    (2021-05-26) Pagani, Regina; Homol, Lindley; Link, Alissa
    In this session, three librarians share their attempts to create more balanced, sustainable, and/or targeted instruction programs with their liaison departments through the process of curriculum mapping.
  • Publication
    Take Care: Integrating Mental Health and Wellness Resources in the Academic Library
    (2021-05-24) Bellody, Kate
    Dynamic, yet practical strategies to establish campus collaborations and leverage library resources and expertise to enhance access to mental health and wellness information in an academic library. Note: Links to resources are embedded throughout the presentation slides.
  • Publication
    Meeting the Library Needs of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
    (2021-05-27) Strittmatter, Connie; Boudreau, Kelly; Packard, Sherry
    This session will discuss how one library used the Project A+: Serving Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Academic Library manual to conduct an in-depth evaluation of the library physical environment, services, and student employee training module to provide a welcoming environment for students with ASD.
  • Publication
    Avoiding the Ivory Tower of Babel:​ Library Instruction for ESL Students
    (2021-05-28) Quinn, Patrick; Cohen, Marci
    With more than 1 million international students attend U.S. colleges, their libraries are finding themselves in demand for instruction to a growing ESL student population. ESL students often come to the United States with both the strength and weakness of a differing cultural background, and it is our job as instructional librarians to help them merge those differences with available library resources. This session describes best practices for dealing with language barriers and cultural differences in library instruction to this population.
  • Publication
    Research Methods for Understanding the Library Support Needs of Academic Departments and Programs
    (2021-05-25) Williamson, Heather; Edmonds, Sarah; Rogers, Peter
    Learn about an adaptation of an Ithaka S+R-based methodology used to assess the library support needs of departments and programs. The theoretical, practical, and ethical elements of research are all discussed.
  • Publication
    The Balancing Act: Evaluating Information Outside of the Classroom
    (2021-05-26) Hibbler, Laura; Brandon, Esther
    Students often report that the evaluation skills taught for academic research do not often translate when it comes to information-seeking in their personal lives (Project Information Literacy Research Institute, 2018 and 2020). In this presentation, we will describe lesson plans, interactive exercises, and reflection activities we have developed to engage students with topics such as the critical evaluation of the news, how to search for underrepresented perspectives in news coverage, personal data collection by private companies, search algorithms and identifying explicit bias in the results, surveillance capitalism, and recommended privacy and security practices.
  • Publication
    Balancing Work and Learning on the Job: Building a platform for experiential learning
    (2021-05-25) Rios, Jess; Markman, Kris M.
    Experiential learning opportunities offer professional development for staff through learning on the job. This presentation will describe a pilot project aimed at developing and testing a discovery platform and guidelines for experiential learning opportunities for library and other university staff.
  • Publication
    Re-Turn and Face the Strange: A Technology Implementation, Change Management, and a Pandemic
    (2021-05-26) Neslin, Aaron; Kardos, Ann; Paquette, Michelle; Van Alstine, Colin
    We will present our experiences and reflections of change management during our multi-year implementation of the FOLIO LSP. For those that are unfamiliar, FOLIO is an open source library management platform, being developed by an international community of developers and institutions. We’ll be looking at our change (and encouraging you to look at changes in your own institutions) through the lens of John Kotter’s 8 steps, from his Book “Leading Change”. It is absolutely not the only framework for change- there are others including models from the PMI, Detta Jones, Bridges .
  • Publication
    Finding the Balance and Revitalizing Your Career Through Peer Mentoring
    (2021-05-27) Freedman, Shin
    A mentoring relationship can be a life-changing experience. Whether your library has invited you to a structured and sponsored mentorship or not, mentorship will help you develop in career and psych-social aspects. Then, why do less than 30 percent of academic libraries offer mentoring programs?
  • Publication
    Balancing Teaching Information Literacy and Data Visualization: Teaching Strategies, Challenges and Outcomes
    (2021-05-27) Rogers, Mary Ann; Grigsby, Alan
    How does teaching data visualization and information literacy intersect in a way that supports project-based learning? Looking deeper into this process of SoTL (Scholarship of Teaching) and assessment may well hold the keys to successful planning of PBL (Project-based learning) and assessment. Please follow this link to see the presentation slides.
  • Publication
    The Gentle & Precarious Balancing Act of the Student Success Librarian
    (2021-05-27) Hunter, Julie
    As academic institutions shift their focus to graduation and retention, libraries have begun reinforcing their relevance by filling newly created Student Success Librarian positions. This presentation will illuminate the first-year experiences of a Student Success Librarian learning to balance traditional academic librarian duties with the magnified expectation that everything they do or create should impact graduation, student success, and retention.
  • Publication
    Fostering Inclusive Meetings with Inclusion Pyramids
    Rios, Jess; Herrera, Allison
    We sought to tackle the problem of non-inclusive behavior in meetings. Our solution was to create tabletop pyramids that could be placed in meeting spaces to serve as gentle reminders about inclusive behavior. These pyramids included not only the tip or best practice but also phrases that could be used at the moment to foster an inclusive environment.