UMass Amherst Fish Passage Technical Reports

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    TR-2015-1 Preliminary Hydraulic Design of a Step-Pool-Type, Nature-Like Fishway March 30, 2015
    (2015-01-01) Towler, Bret; Turek, James; Haro, Alex
    This technical report presents a method for the preliminary hydraulic design of a step-pool type, nature-like fishway. The method and its companion example, “Nature-Like Fishway at the Obex Mills dam site”, are presented as an instructional exercise illustrating how one may bridge the gap between a conceptual layout and subsequent, more detailed, design phases. This report is intended to supplement the “Federal Interagency Nature-like Fish Passage Guidelines for Atlantic Coast Diadromous Fishes” (unpublished; forthcoming 2015).
  • Publication
    TR‐2014 ‐01 Fish Passage Workshop Training Manual (8/8/2014)
    (2014-01-01) Towler, Brett
    This Technical Report was assembled for, and disturbed during, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Fish Passage Workshop (Workshop) held in Hadley, Massachusetts on August 5 and 6, 2014. The Workshop, a two-day training course for engineers, biologists, hydrologists, environmental scientists, and practitioners involved in the design, operation and oversight of fish passage projects, was developed in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center (Conte) and the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE).
  • Publication
    TR-2013-1 Fishway Inspection Guidelines (6/5/2013)
    (2013-01-01) Towler, Brett; Orvis, Curtis; Dow, Donald; Haro, Alex
    This technical report provides guidance for engineers, biologists, operators, regulators and dam owners involved in the inspection of fishways at dams. Volitional fish ladders, fish lifts, and other fish passage and protection facilities are devices of varying complexity frequently integrated into sophisticated reservoir management and hydropower installations. As with any device, maintenance of fish passage facilities is necessary to ensure their proper operation. Improper operation of fishways may limit or eliminate entire year classes of diadromousfish. Routine fishway inspections are a critical component of an overall fish passage operation and maintenance plan.