Conference Proceedings & Collected Papers

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This collection contains a variety of miscellaneous papers and collections of articles - including reports on two CIES NorthEast regional conferences in 1977 and 1991, a collection of early papers written by CIE graduate students, as well as several early papers exploring the concept of Nonformal Education.


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  • Publication
    1991 Regional Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society
    The 1991 Northeast Regional Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society was hosted by the Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts at Amherst on November 15, 1991. The theme of the conference, "the Challenges of International Education in the 1990s: Effectiveness and Excellence," was deliberately made broad in order to encompass a wide range of problems and issues relevant to educators involved in the development of education world-wide. More than sixty people attended the conference, and participants represented the rich institutional diversity in the northeast region of the US. Participants came from the Bunting Institute (Radcliffe Research Study Center), Clark University, Harvard University, Springfield College, University of Bridgeport, University of Connecticut, University of Pittsburgh, and the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. The conference provided participants with a forum in which to exchange ideas and to inform each other of their current research. The conference began with a keynote address by Dr. Barbara Burn, Associate Provost for International Programs at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Dr. Burn informed her audience of the latest developments in study abroad programs and summarized the key issues involved in promoting opportunities for American students to study overseas. The program for the remainder of the conference centered on concurrent panel discussions in the morning and discussion groups and multi-media presentations in the afternoon. The topics addressed in these sessions reflected the wide-ranging concerns of the participants: educational discourse, curriculum and materials development, literacy, gender issues, research paradigms, economics of education, politics of education, social changes, educational technology, educational issues in comparative perspective, community learning and assessment, pedagogical reform, and education for refugee resettlement. Many conference participants lamented the fact that, in choosing to attend one particular session, they were deprived of attending other concurrent sessions that were of interest. In addition to the impressive array of content areas, the conference presentations had a truly international flavor in terms of the countries on which the research focused. From the African continent, research was presented on: Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Malawi, Somalia, and South Africa; from Asia: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Nepal, and Thailand; and from Europe and North America: France, Germany and the US.
  • Publication
    Self-Reflection for Staff Development
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 2002-01-01) Sultan, Mainus
    Over the last decade, as development strategies have shifted from a product to a process orientation, capacity building for the professional growth of development workers has received more and more attention. The key actors in the field, as well as the policy makers, funders and managers, all view human resource development (HRD) as a focal point of the development approach. As a result, a flurry of training programs and curriculum have emerged to cater to this perceived need. Typically, these approaches are built on the assumption that development workers, especially local ones, are somehow lacking in their ability to cope with the emerging needs in the field of development. prevailing training methods and curriculum often emphasize the expansion of knowledge through the injection of updated information. They often fail to take into consideration the existing knowledge of the person. Field experience suggests that the primary limitation o the HRD strategy is that it ignores the individual development worker's subjective ways of knowing based on their own culturally familiar processes. This staff development module represents one humble initiative to address this limitation. The underlying philosophy of this training module builds on the assumption that each individual development worker is capable of constructing her/his own knowledge. While the approach presented here does not ignore the necessity of adapting information from outside sources, the key focus is on assisting development workers with strategies to explore their own self in a reflective manner. The objective of this reflection is to promote the individual's capacity to incorporate her/his existing knowledge for purposes of planning and problem solving. Although this module is designed to be a guide for creating reflective educational activities for staff development purposes, field experience suggests that it requires creative adaptation in order to adjust to different cultural contexts.
  • Publication
    Non-Formal Education in a World Context
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1973) Urch, George E.; Evans, David R.; Smith, William A.; Billimoria, Roshan R.; McDowell, David W.; Rosen, David; Johnson, Walter B.; Stone, Frank A.; Saahad, Mounir R.; Bernard, Thomas L.; Al-Shaikhly, Falih
    During the past decade the role of non-formal education throughout the world has become an important topic. Educators realize that the formal system cannot solve the diversified and complex problems which face a society today. As a consequence a closer look is now being taken at educational activities outside the established system--especially those non-formal processes which have a relationship to socio-economic development. While many societies have a long tradition of non-formal education, little attempt has been made to utilize this base to provide individuals with a flexible and diversified range of useful learning opportunities. Recently, however, the innate potential of nonformal education is being realized. Today education is being viewed as a life-long process rather than the specified knowledge transmitted in a formal school system. As interest in the field of non-formal education developed, attempts have been made to collect and exchange useful information. Toward this end, the Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts, hosted a World Education Conference and invited educators to share ideas on non-formal education. This booklet contains the papers delivered at that Conference. Some papers are exploratory and some definitive, some are brief overviews, and others are detailed accounts; however, all the papers make a worthwhile contribution to the field. The papers have been organized according to geographical areas.
  • Publication
    Education and National Development
    (1977) Bernard, Thomas L.; Urch, George E.; Mackertich, Alex; Thomas, Thomas H.; Mangan, James; Osgood, John; Stone, Frank Andrews; Thuemmel, William L.; Stickney, Benjamin D.; Ulin, Richard O.; Chen, Kuan-Yu; Fleming, Kevin; Neumann, John; White, Harry R.
    The New England Regional Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society was held on the campus of Springfield College on April 29, 1977. The Conference was co-sponsored by the Division of Community Education, Springfield College, and the Center for International Education, University of Massachusetts. The theme of the conference was "Education and National Development." The papers delivered ranged in topics from a global perspective to the use of ethnic and multicultural education to assist in national development. Case studies of specific cultural areas highlight the conference. The papers provided a format for discussing and recording the experiences and research endeavors of the participants. A total of fourteen papers were delivered. This publication contains the papers delivered at the Conference.
  • Publication
    Non-formal Alternatives to Schooling: a Glossary of Education Methods
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1972)
    The Center for International Education was formed in 1968 as part of the total reorganization of the School of Education at the University of Massachusetts under the Leadership of Dwight W. Allen. The School of Education considered International Education a relevant focus for the problem of communication between cultures, the challenge of internationalize American school curricula, and the concern for devising viable educational alternatives for the less developed countries. In pursuit of this third goal, interest in the Center has been focused recently on alternatives to formal schooling. The Center includes faculty and advanced doctoral candidates who are interested in the exploration and implementation of such alternatives, and who view them as not only practical but essential to the future growth of educational opportunity for the mass of the world's population.
  • Publication
    Sundry Papers I
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1970) Evans, David R.; Grant, Steve; Hartwell, Ash; Blackman, Joe; Higginson, Peter; Hoxeng, James; Shuey, Ken
    Since its creation two years ago, the Center for International Education has devoted most of its energy to building a viable entity and to starting new programs. This collection of papers represents an attempt to begin to consolidate and analyze our efforts and includes some of the first results of the Center's programs and adaptations of new approaches to problems in international education. The papers reflect the diversity of topics and techniques which characterizes the Center. They are reproduced for the purpose of communicating with others interested in the field, rather than representing traditional academic-style research efforts. We hope the availability of this publication will give incentive to other Center members immersed in innovative programs to share their results. The five papers also reflect the Center's three major thrusts: cross-cultural training, the teaching of non-western studies in US schools, and education for national development. Hartwell and Blackman explore one aspect of cross-cultural training in their work in micro-teaching with teachers in Navajo schools. Grant and Shuey tout two methods of making non-western studies more effective, by "using" foreign students and by employing film as a tool for understanding other cultures. Higginson and Hoxeng, both of whom are interested in out-of-school education, examine training schemes now being used in the Caribbean and in Mexico.
  • Publication
    Transformation of Kabul Based Universities from Using Classic Content Management System to Web Content Management System: Key Issues and Challenges
    (2017-01-01) Barikzai, Siddiqullah
    The aim of this research is to find problems and challenges resulted from using classic content management system and replacing it with Web Content Management System in Kabul based universities. The study will find answer to the following questions: Do stated universities have necessary facilities such as electricity, computers, projectors, LCD, and the Internet? Are deans of faculties, chairs of departments, directors of student affairs, and students of these universities ready to use WCMS? What are the main problems and challenges that classic content management system has resulted yet? Finally, which of these two stated systems are most cost-effective, quick, efficient, and more reliable for universities to use? In order to find answers to the above questions, the research used mixed (qualitative and quantitative) method. I collected data through literature review, interviews, and questionnaires. The results indicate that majority of instructors, directors of student affairs, and students agree that classic content management system is unable to fulfill their needs; therefore, it would be better to replace it with a Web Content Management System. It is important that all necessary equipment which WCMS needs be provided before converting CCMS to WCMS. A Content Management System is faster, efficient, economical, and more reliable than CCMS. They responded that WCMS is a better system to fulfill most needs of universities stakeholders. Currently, most of universities have access to electricity and computers, but they do not have reliable access to the Internet. Some universities have access to slow internet which takes minutes and even hours to open a simple web page. Therefore, it is important that before introducing new and modern system, all necessary equipment should be provided to these universities.
  • Publication
    International Perspectives on Nonformal Education
    (Center for International Education, UMass Amherst, 1979) Evans, David R.; Hackett, Peter; Osgood, John C.; Bing, John W.; Kahler, David; Koech, Michael Kipkorir; Stone, Frank A.; Winter, Stephen S.; O'Neill, Frances L.; McTaggert, James F.; Ross, Donald F.; Hayford, Bernard K.; Pieniadz, Dorothy R.; Kanno, Nellie B.; O'Connor, Sean J.
    The New England Regional Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society was held on the campus of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, on 3 May, 1979. The conference was co-sponsored by the Division of Community Education, Springfield College, and the Center for International Education, School of Education, University of Massachusetts. The theme of the conference was "International Perspectives on Nonformal Education." The papers delivered ranged in topics from the use of traditional art forms and poetry as a medium of nonformal education to the discussion of the philosophical foundations underlying the field. Case studies of specific nonformal education projects helped to highlight the conference. A total fifteen papers were delivered, all of which are included in their original form in this document. The papers represent the views of the authors and not necessarily those of the organizers.