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Publication Sensemaking and Sustainability: A Sensemaking Perspective on the Ethical Use of Big Data in Marketing Strategizing(2024-11) Wang, Emma (Junhong); Berthon, Pierre; Su, YiranDespite the ethical concerns over the datafication and surveillance of individuals and groups, companies are making ever greater investments in big data. The assumptions underpinning this movement are: (1) organizations are passive implementers of big data—more data is the inevitable consequence of technology and a competitive necessity for business, (2) more data offers a more objective and accurate picture of reality and (3) more data enables better prediction. We argue that this perspective is strategically unsustainable and abdicates ethical responsibility. In this chapter, we adopt a sensemaking perspective (Weick in (1995) Sensemaking in organizationsto challenge each of the assumptions of inevitability, objectivity, and predictability. Building on this critique, we discuss the role that organizations can play in creating alternative sustainable futures with big data and explore the legal and ethical consequences of their actions. In addition, we advocate that, from a sensemaking perspective, organizations can use big data to cultivate sustainable learning and innovating communities of both employees and customersPublication The quest for authenticity amid activism and sportswashing: a netnographical study of Chinese satellite fans during the 2022 FIFA Men's World Cup(2024-03) Chen, Ryan; Su, Yiran; Beissel, AdamThe 2022 FIFA Men’s World Cup is poised to leave a complex legacy, marked by the array of social, economic, and political controversies that enveloped the tournament. In this study, we utilized a netnographic approach to explore the identities of satellite fans within two online communities during the World Cup tournament. By specifically focusing on the cooptation and dismantling of sport activism within a non-western satellite fan context, we offer critical insights into the intricate interplay between politics and sport on an international platform. Through a case study on Chinese satellite fans, our findings reveal a pronounced inclination among fans towards seeking authenticity, which acts as a defensive mechanism for rationalizing their role identity.Publication USING SOCIAL MOVEMENT THEORY TO STUDY OUTCOMES IN SPORT-RELATED SOCIAL MOVEMENTS(2008-01-01) Davis-Delano, LR; Crosset, TPublication Publication Publication PLAYING BY THE RULES - SPORT, SOCIETY AND THE STATE - WILSON,J(1995) Crosset, TPublication Ethical Marketing AI? A Structured Literature Review of the Ethical Challenges Posed by Artificial Intelligence in the Domains of Marketing and Consumer Behavior(2023-01-01) Su, Yiran; Wang, Emma; Berthon, PierreWith the increasing use of AI in marketing, ethical repercussions are beginning to emerge. From privacy issues, through discrimination of marginalized groups, to emergent systemic social distortions, AI is changing the marketing ethical landscape. In this paper we conduct a structured literature review of the emerging ethical issues posed by AI in the domains of marketing and consumer behavior. We identify three clusters of ethical issues (algorithm, society and existential) and map these to the marketing domains of systems, brands, and consumers. We conclude that the field of ethical marketing AI is still very much in its infancy, but such is the rate of development ethical marketing AI is likely to become an important field for academics and practitioners alike.Publication Encouraging compliance without real power: Sport associations regulating teams(1999) Mitchell, RB; Crosset, T; Barr, CAPublication Co-Attendance Communities: A Multilevel Egocentric Network Analysis of American Soccer Supporters’ Groups(2021-01-01) Cocco, Adam R.; Katz, Matthew; Hambrick, Marion E.The growth of professional soccer in the United States is evident through the rapid expansion of franchises and increased game attendance within Major League Soccer (MLS) and the United Soccer League (USL). Coinciding with this growth is the emergence of European-style supporters’ groups filling sections of MLS and USL stadiums. In this study, the authors utilized an egocentric network analysis to explore relationships among supporters’ group members for two professional soccer clubs based in the United States. Egocentric network research focuses on the immediate social environment of individuals and is often viewed as an alternative approach to sociocentric (i.e., whole network) analyses. This study employed hierarchical linear modeling as an example of multilevel modeling with egocentric data, using ego- and alter-level variables to explain the strength of co-attendance ties. The results indicate the perceived commitment of fellow fans to the team, shared membership in a supporters’ group, age, and interactions with other fans in team settings related to higher levels of co-attendance. The outcomes of this study are both theoretical, as they advance an understanding of sport consumer behavior within soccer supporters’ groups, and methodological, as they illustrate the unique value of employing egocentric network analysis in sport fan research.Publication Publication Publication Bush-whacked: A legal analysis of the unauthorized use of sport organizations' intellectual property in political campaign advertising(2007-01-01) McKelvey, S; Moorman, AMPublication A SURVEY OF GRIEVANCE ARBITRATION CASES IN MAJOR-LEAGUE BASEBALL(1986) WONG, GMPublication ADMISSIONS OF INJECTION-DRUG USERS TO DRUG-ABUSE TREATMENT FOLLOWING HIV COUNSELING AND TESTING(1994) MCCUSKER, J; WILLIS, G; McDonald, M; LEWIS, BF; SERETI, SM; FELDMAN, ZTPublication Sponsorship program protection strategies for special sport events: Are event organizers outmaneuvering ambush marketers?(2008-01-01) McKelvey, S; Grady, JPublication MAINTENANCE OF BEHAVIORAL-CHANGE IN A COHORT OF HOMOSEXUALLY ACTIVE MEN(1992) MCCUSKER, J; STODDARD, AM; McDonald, M; ZAPKA, JG; MAYER, KHPublication The ties that bind - Presidential involvement with the development of NCAA division I initial eligibility legislation(2001-01-01) Covell, D; Barr, CAPublication Community-wide HIV counselling and testing in central Massachusetts: Who is retested and does their behavior change?(1996) McCusker, J; Willis, G; McDonald, M; Sereti, SM; Lewis, BF; Sullivan, JLPublication A niche-based evaluation of sport participation patterns(1996) Milne, GR; McDonald, MA; Sutton, WA; Kashyap, R