Bischoff, Annaliese

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Professor Emerita of Landscape Architecture
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Landscape Architecture
For over a decade, Annaliese Bischoff, author of The Man Who Loved Trees (2024), has been collecting drawings and etchings of trees by Frank A. Waugh, credited in 1903 as the founder of what is now the Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning Department (LARP) at UMass. Trees remained central to Waugh’s work in pomology, landscape architecture, and art. Near the end of his life, Waugh was working on a major book Portraits of Trees that would feature his beautiful etchings of trees alongside his ink drawings. He never finished this last work because of his death in 1943. The Man Who Loved Trees showcases some of these little known works and tells something of the man who made them. Professor Bischoff joined the LARP faculty in 1980 and taught courses in design studio, writing and history. Her research advocates creative design exploration, currently community arts engagement. She developed courses on research and grant writing in the arts for the Commonwealth Honors College (CHC) where she taught a senior thesis course on sustainable art before retiring in 2015. She continued to teach part-time for CHC through the Pandemic. During her 40 year career Professor Bischoff received international, national and regional awards, including a Fulbright to research memorial public art adjacent to the Berlin Wall just as the wall had come down. She has served as president both of the Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA) and the the Design Communication Association (DCA). She continues to exhibit her art and be active in community arts projects.

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