Jackson, Scott
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Birth Date
Job Title
Extension Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Conservation
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First Name
Environmental Sciences
Natural Resources and Conservation
Natural Resources and Conservation
Biodiversity Conservation
Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles
General New England Natural History
Wetlands Ecology and Conservation
Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles
General New England Natural History
Wetlands Ecology and Conservation
As an Extension faculty member my responsibility is to develop and implement integrated research and extension projects in collaboration with other faculty and outside stakeholders. My research interests include: ecology and breeding biology of amphibians, vernal pool ecology, wetland assessment and monitoring, impacts of roads and highways on wildlife, and landscape-based ecological assessment. I have been involved in the use of underpass systems to facilitate wildlife movement across roads and development of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of animal passage structures. I participated in the development of standards for road-stream crossing structures, survey protocols for assessing crossing structures, and approaches for prioritizing bridges and culverts for replacement. I have been a long-term collaborator with the MA Department of Environmental Protection and the MA Association of Conservation Commissioners on wetlands science, education and policy.