Keller, Lisa
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Job Title
Associate Professor, Department of Educational Policy, Research & Administration, College of Education
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Lisa Keller earned her B.S. in mathematics magna cum laude in 1993 from St. Michael’s College in Winooski, VT. She earned an M.S. in mathematics with a statistics concentration in 2001, and an Ed.D. in psychometrics from the University of Masaschusetts in 2002.Since then, she has been in the Research and Evaluation Methods Program. Her research interests focus around areas of equity in K-12 testing, especially in the context of equating and assessing changes in student achievement. Additionally, Dr. Keller is interested in measures of reliability, especially including generalizability theory. Dr. Keller also engages in consulting both within education as well as in other areas of social sciences. She also does consulting work for various market research firms.