Holstein, Barry

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Professor Emeritus, Physics Department
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Now showing 1 - 10 of 208
  • Publication
    Blue skies and effective interactions
    (1999) Holstein, BR
    This paper shows how the basic physics of Rayleigh scattering, responsible for the blueness of the sky, can be extracted using the techniques of effective interactions, which have become widespread in contemporary particle and nuclear physics.
  • Publication
    Long distance regularization in chiral perturbation theory with decuplet fields
    (2002-01-01) Borasoy, B; Holstein, BR; Lewis, R; Ouimet, PPA
    We investigate the use of long distance regularization in SU(3) baryon chiral perturbation theory with decuplet fields. The one-loop decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses, axial-vector couplings, S-wave nonleptonic hyperon decays and magnetic moments are evaluated in a chirally consistent fashion by employing a cutoff to implement long distance regularization. The convergence of the chiral expansions of these quantities is improved compared to the dimensionally regularized version which indicates that the propagation of Goldstone bosons over distances smaller than a typical hadronic size, which is beyond the regime of chiral perturbation theory but included by dimensional regularization, is removed by use of a cutoff.
  • Publication
    (1990) Holstein, BR
    Chiral perturbation theory is used in order to analyze the Kl3γ process and results are compared with the PCAC (partial conservation of axial-vector current) and Low-theorem analyses of Fearing, Fischbach, and Smith. These predictions are found to be consistent with but much stronger than those of the earlier analysis, and verification of these results can be used as a test of chiral symmetry.
  • Publication
    Metric modifications for a massive spin 1 particle
    (2006-01-01) Holstein, BR
    Previous evaluations of long range one-photon and one-graviton-loop corrections to the energy-momentum tensor and the metric tensor describing spacetime in the vicinity of massive spinless and spin 1/2 systems have been extended to particles with unit spin and speculations are confirmed concerning universal properties of such forms.
  • Publication
    Low Energy Tests of Chiral Symmetry1
    (1996) Holstein, BR
    The present status of low energy test of chiral invariance via chiral perturbation theory is reviewed, both in the meson and baryon sectors, and future prospects are discussed.
  • Publication
    Semileptonic decays of the light J(P)=1/2(+) ground state baryon octet
    (2008-01-01) Faessler, A; Gutsche, T; Holstein, BR; Ivanov, MA; Korner, JG; Lyubovitskij, VE
    We calculate the semileptonic baryon octet-octet transition form factors using a manifestly Lorentz covariant quark model approach based on the factorization of the contribution of valence quarks and chiral effects. We perform a detailed analysis of SU(3)-breaking corrections to the hyperon semileptonic decay form factors. We present complete results on decay rates and asymmetry parameters including lepton mass effects for the rates.
  • Publication
    Chiral anomaly and eta-eta ' mixing
    (1998) Venugopal, EP; Holstein, BR
    We determine the η-η′ mixing angle via a procedure relatively independent of theoretical assumptions by simultaneously fitting η,η′ reactions involving the anomaly η,η′→γγ, π+π-γ. We extract reasonably precise renormalized values of the octet and singlet pseudoscalar decay constants F8, F0, as well as the mixing angle θ.
  • Publication
    (1994) KAMBOR, J; Holstein, BR
    Agreement between the experimental value Γ(KS→γγ) and the number predicted via a one-loop chiral perturbation theory calculation has been cited as a success for the latter. On the other hand the one-loop prediction for the closely related process KL→π0γγ has been found to be a factor 3 below the experimental value. Using the inputs of unitarity and dispersion relations, we demonstrate the importance of higher order loop effects to both of these processes.
  • Publication
    (1982) Holstein, BR; SWIFT, AR
    The WKB approximation is demonstrated to be formally identical to the semiclassical limit of the Feynman path integral propagator. In the limit that the path integral propagator is dominated by the classical particle trajectory, it is identical to the propagator calculated directly from WKB wave functions in the stationary phase approximation.
  • Publication
    Low energy Compton scattering and nucleon structure
    (1998) Holstein, BR
    The low energy virtual Compton scattering process eN\rightarrow e'N\gamma offers a new and potentially high resolution window on nucleon structure via measurement of so-called generalized polarizabilities (GPs). We present calculations of GPs within heavy baryon chiral perturbation theory and discuss present experimental efforts.