Hacia un Reencantamiento Posthumanista: Poesía, Ciencia y Nuevas Tecnologías
This interdisciplinary study analyzes the work of two contemporary writers in Peninsular Spanish literature, Agustín Fernández Mallo and Javier Moreno, using the the posthumanist stance that considers the epistemological and ontological continuum and inseparability of contemporary cultural practices. This thesis delves into the interrelationship of their respective work with three main aspects of the 21st century reality: the omnipresent world of images in our culture, the scientific paradigm and the use of new technologies. The study of their work has led me to propose the birth of a new literature that 1. articulates the "pictorial turn" by recognizing how the image, mostly digital, has become the protagonist of the new mode of communication; 2. implements the dialogue between the so called "two cultures" (humanities and sciences). In the sense, both our writers have a scientific background (Fernández Mallo is a physicist and Moreno a mathematician) and 3. shows the emergence of a net of global connections by establishing a dialogue with the world of Internet and new technologies. I ultimately propose that the work of Agustín Fernández Mallo and Javier Moreno is part of the Spanish speaking world literary response to the hypercomplexity and entanglement of the presentWeltanshauung , one that shows traces of overcoming the paradigm of classical postmodernism by introducing the perspective of reenchantment throughout the above-mentioned vectors: the image, science and new technologies.
Dissertation (Campus Access Only)