This master project uses green infrastructure as a tool to protect urban environment and wildlife habitat under degradation due to urbanization in the Chelsea River Subwatershed in eastern Massachusetts. The goal of the project is to improve the Chelsea River Subwatershed, and therefore to improve the impaired Chelsea River by identifying the best locations for urban landscape interventions and creating blue-green network with green infrastructure in the subwatershed. Site visits, literature review, background data search, interview with government staff and watershed associations helped with site analysis to identify the problems and potentials for green infrastructure implementation. Landscape Urbanism theory as basis of Green Infrastructure provides guidance on the selection of strategies for green infrastructure implementation in urban watershed. Specific watershed management approaches including stormwater management BMPs, river and saltmarsh restoration and urban forest are adopted. The comprehensive concept plan proposes a green infrastructure network in the Chelsea River Subwatershed composed of open spaces and green hubs linked by linear connections such as green streets, waterfront buffer and trails with stormwater BMPs and public access at specific sites. A design proposal for the waterfront park provides example of the implementation of green infrastructure approaches at a community scale. The benefits provided by the project to Chelsea River and Chelsea River Subwatershed include improving water quality of river, increasing biodiversity in the subwatershed, promoting environmental justice, supporting the sustainability of people's life, etc.