The Process and Issues of Creating a Cohousing Development with Affordable Units in an Affluent Community: Stamford, Connecticut
This project examines the process of creating a cohousing development with affordable units in the United States. It looks specifically at an affluent community, Stamford, Connecticut and analyzes its many aspects to form a framework to build this type of community within the municipality. Additionally, the project provides a model for affluent communities similar to Stamford to create a cohousing community with affordable units. This project includes a cohousing literature review, interviews with affordable housing professionals, an analysis of Stamford's history, demographics, real estate, zoning and affordable housing environment and two case sCohousing in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts in Martha's Vineyard and Cambridge Cohousing in Cambridge, Massachusetts. This research provides a process for creating cohousing with affordable units with best practices and shows cohousing's many benefits. It points out the opportunities in Stamford and other affluent community that may facilitate this type of development. Cohousing with affordable units in an affluent community has not been researched previously. This type of housing provides the benefits of a strong community, sustainability and more affordable living than conventional housing developments. Problems of affordability afflict many municipalities, especially affuent communities such as Stamford, Connecticut and this research provides a framework to create a cohousing community that will solve this problem as well as provide additional benefits.