
Session D4: Developing an Innovative Fish Lift System for the Barrage at Lake Baldeney on the River Ruhr

Abstract: Lake Baldeney is the largest of the six Ruhrreservoirs with a length of almost 8 km and a water surface of 2,64 km². The width of the dam, including the sluice and the hydropower station measures at 160 meters. The storage level represents 9 meters. Being the operator of the weir, the Ruhr Association is responsible to implement measures to enable ecological passability. Due to limited space and the large head, common passage facilities, such as bypasses and technical slot passes were rated either too expensive, technically impossible to build or considered unsuitable from an ecological point of view. Against this background, an innovative fish lift system was developed for the site at Baldeney among others. The system consists of two alternating lifts that allows a continual advancement to the headwater, and a downstream chamber which serves as an entrance structure. The cylindrical lifts have internal chambers which can be raised or lowered by variable water levels. For efficient entry and exit, the lift chambers in the lower and upper end positions have a horizontally flow. To increase the attraction flow into the chamber, additional amounts of water were added. Based on a combination of numerical and physical model tests as well as observations by didson-sonar, the overall system was hydraulically optimized. The evidence of the functionality with respect to the fish being able to pass through the facilities were conclusively proven by ethohydraulic studies. The paper addresses the boundary conditions of the location Lake Baldeney and the overall study concept as well as introduces the optimized functionality of the lifting system. A detailed description of the model studies will follow in a separate paper called "Quality insurance in the planning of fish ways – example: a new fish lift system at Baldeney weir and the fish way at Geesthacht".
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