Abstract: The background to this topic is the most recent report on implementation of the eel management plans from the European Commission to the Parliament 24th October 2014. Whilst there are several messages particularly on the difficulties of stock measurement and incomplete reporting the most powerful in order to achieve and maintain the recovery are on the importance of unblocking the migration pathways both in and out. Here are just three key statements from the report. “Progress was made in implementing management measure related to fisheries but that other management measures, such as improving habitats, combating parasites or predator control have often been postponed or only partially implemented.” “More attention should be given to management measures related to these non-fishing anthropogenic mortality factors, the majority of which has only partially been implemented by Member States.” “Non-fishing anthropogenic mortality factors include hydropower and pumping stations, habitat loss or degradation, pollution, diseases and parasites.” The paper presented would concentrate on the positive and seek to find and then tell the story of where migration pathways have been addressed and provide evidence of the difference these are making. Some evidence has already been collected for the last SEG Newsletter attached. Entry Examples will be drawn from: (1) the Mediterranean on the Camargue (2) The Bay of Biscay the Arzal Dan on the Vilaine (3) The UK West and East Coasts. Exit Examples will be drawn from Sweden. Willem Dekker’s Paper (am requesting) it says that mortalities in Sweden from Hydro are greater than fishing Mortality of European eel after downstream migration through two types of pumping stations D. Buysse*, A. M. Mouton, M. Stevens, T. Van den Neucker and J. Coeck. Article first published online: 27 AUG 2013. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12046. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd An example from a country which has now brought legislation into force will be England and Wales. The Statutory Instrument of 2009 comes into effect in stages – one of which is to compel owner of obstructions which are of high risk to screen them from January 2015. OFWAT the regulator for the Water Industry has just agreed an expenditure of £70m over the next five years to support this work. The presentation would conclude that restocking and translocation can help as an emergency measure but that the only lasting and therefore truly sustainable solution is through opening the Migration pathways.