Problems in Generic Combinatorial Rigidity: Sparsity, Sliders, and Emergence of Components
Rigidity theory deals in problems of the following form: given a structure defined by geometric constraints on a set of objects, what information about its geometric behavior is implied by the underlying combinatorial structure. The most well-studied class of structures is the bar-joint framework, which is made of fixed-length bars connected by universal joints with full rotational degrees of freedom; the allowed motions preserve the lengths and connectivity of the bars, and a framework is rigid if the only allowed motions are trivial motions of Euclidean space. A remarkable theorem of Maxwell-Laman says that rigidity of generic bar-joint frameworks depends only on the graph that has as its edges the bars and as its vertices the joints. We generalize the "degree of freedom counts that appear in the Maxwell-Laman theorem to the very general setting of (k,l)-sparse and (k,l)-graded sparse hypergraphs. We characterize these in terms of their graph-graph theoretic and matroidal properties. For the fundamental algorithmic problems Decision, Extraction, Components, and Decomposition, we give efficient, implementable pebble game algorithms for all the (k,l)-sparse and (k,l)-graded-sparse families of hypergraphs we study. We then prove that all the matroids arising from (k,l)-sparse are linearly representable by matrices with a certain "natural" structure that captures the incidence structure of the hypergraph and the sparsity parameters k and l. Building on the combinatorial and linear theory discussed above, we introduce a new rigidity model: slider-pinning rigidity. This is an elaboration of the planar bar-joint model to include sliders, which constrain a vertex to move on a specific line. We prove the analogue of the Maxwell-Laman Theorem for slider pinning, using, as a lemma, a new proof of Whiteley's Parallel Redrawing Theorem. We conclude by studying the emergence of non-trivial rigid substructures in generic planar frameworks given by Erdos-Renyi random graphs. We prove that there is a sharp threshold for such substructures to emerge, and that, when they do, they are all linear size. This is consistent with experimental and simulation-based work done in the physics community on the formation of certain glasses.