Session D1 - Application of CFD Models in Support of Fish Passage Facilities Design
One of the important ecological and environmental concerns at most existing and new hydropower facilities is to minimize impact on fish movement past the power plant. Biologists, engineers, and planners have been working for several decades to design and install upstream and downstream passage facilities. A successful fish passage design is a culmination of understanding of fish behavior under various hydraulic conditions and providing favorable flow conditions throughout the passage. Understanding of the flow field and creation of favorable flow conditions at hydropower facilities often require application of CFD models. This paper will share experience from hydraulic design of fish passage structures using CFD models at the hydropower facilities in the Columbia and Snake River basins in the states of Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. Specific attention will be given to the proper application of CFD modeling to simulate flows to achieve the desired conditions for migrant fish. Results from applications of CFD modeling for designing fish collection and upstream and downstream fish passage facilities will be presented. The design examples and approaches presented in this paper can be applied for similar designs at other hydropower and dam facilities needing improvement in fish migration. This will provide valuable information for hydropower and dam owners, biologists, engineers, and planners interested in the design of such facilities.