Co-location synergies: Biomethane & Biochar Production: John Medeima, BioLogical Carbon Biochar Filters Impact on Anaerobic Digestion: Matthew Smith, WSU http://youtu.be/RILS6wS3qWk The Benefits of a Manure-based Biochar: Mike McGolden http://youtu.be/t1hVgolalRI Biochar has been in existence for thousands of years. However, it has only been in the past decade that there has been a resurgence in the thirst for knowledge about biochar and research into how it is made and its impact on the environment. This resurgence has brought about a tremendous amount of research and a rapid growth in education among the general population about biochar – especially in the past 5 years. However, this history and almost all of the research has been with wood-based biochars. The use of manure as the feedstock to produce biochar is very limited; but the benefits are significant and also different from those of traditional wood-based biochars. The nutrient composition of the biochar from manure offers additional benefits not seen from other biochars. It also has a virtually unlimited supply of feedstock and in volumes that allow for larger systems without costly transportation of fuel. On the other hand, the use of manure as a fuel presents some technological challenges that wood does not. Environmentally and economically, manure-based biochar can provide the solution to many of the problems facing agriculture today.