Annual Fish Passage Report: Rock Island Dam Columbia River, Washington, 1963
Fish utilizing the three fishways at Rock Island Dam in 1963 were counted from May 1 to October 30. The 106,554 salmon and steelhead trout counted exceeded the 1962 count by about 34,800. The count of 34,688 chinook salmon recorded in 1963 was well above the mean of 16,777 for the 30-year period 1933-62 and exceeded the 1962 count by only 534 fish. The count of 64,768 sockeye salmon exceeded the 30-year mean of 51,164 and was about 35,500 more than recorded in 1962. The coho salmon count of 20 in 1963 was about 25 percent of the 30-year mean of 83 and 3 percent of the record count of 737 in 1962. The steelhead trout count of 7,078 in 1963 was more than twice the 30-year mean of 3,336 and about 500 less than the number recorded in 1962. Fish other than salmon and steelhead trout passing through the fishways at Rock Island Dam in 1963 numbered 137,367, as compared to 164,574 in 1962, and exceeded the 1963 count of salmon and steelhead trout by about 30,800 fish. Of the 106,554 salmon and steelhead trout passing Rock Island Dam in 1963, about 2 percent had evidence of injury about the head or body.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service