Submission Type Presentation (concurrent session preferred) 30 minute PowerPoint presentation Relevance to the conference theme: Performance measurement: ROI – implementating a new approach to measure the economic impact of BC’s nature-based sector. Measuring economic value using administrative data The need for credible estimates of the economic impacts of commercial nature-based tourism (CNBT) is important for Crown land decision making and nature-based tourism product development. Measuring the economic value of any sector can be cumbersome. In 2001, to measure the overall value of CNBT involved using traditional methodologies took a significant amount of time and effort of conducting phone calls to encourage businesses to provide survey responses and/or financial records. In fact, due to poor responses to surveys, it took almost three years to complete the study. Over the past decade there is a greater ability to use existing administrative data. Currently, Destination BC is working with Align Research and BC Statistics to use existing data sources (WorkSafe BC, GST and BC Registrar) to develop economic value indicators (from supply side of information) for the purpose of measuring the value of CNBT. If successful, this process would serve as a way to measure and track sector trends year-over-year and at more granular level. The presentation will focus on key learnings and outcomes of the study and any results that are available by September. Presenter Biography Kailee Penner is a Senior Researcher at Destination BC on the Research, Planning and Evaluation team. She graduated from the University of British Columbia in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts and has since obtained 9 years of research experience. Kailee has obtained 5 years of research experience in mental health, followed by 4 years in the tourism field. Her current research responsibilities include EQ integration, brand revitalization, program performance evaluations and tracking, indicator publications, and satisfaction surveys.