Urban Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS): A Florida Perspective
Over the past decade, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have steadily climbed in importance on the CERCLA list of hazardous substances. Though the listing does not necessarily imply that these chemicals exhibit the greatest degree of toxicity, such recognition by ATSDR and USEPA is predicated at least in part on their overwhelming ubiquity in association with many very common sources, coupled with toxicity considerations. Regulatory agencies increasingly are under pressure to define and interpret data describing urban background levels, and to appropriately determine the relative importance of waste-producing activities and concentrations resulting from typical natural and/or human activity. Three case studies from Florida are presented that confirm the ubiquity of the PAHs at low levels, and that demonstrate the need for more sophisticated and transparent treatment by regulatory agencies. We discuss assessment and risk assessment activities related to two urban redevelopment projects, as well as one property transaction project. In each case, considerable sampling of surficial soils and sediment identified total benzo(a)pyrene-equivalent concentrations in the range of less than one ppm to about 5 ppm. Although those concentrations frequently exceeded the default Florida cleanup target level for both residential and commercial/industrial land use by a wide margin, it was concluded that they are completely consistent with levels reported in a great many urban settings. There is an ongoing need to consider the development of a default urban background level for PAHs in areas characterized by busy roadways or multiple industrial facilities, in much the same way that geological or anthropogenic background levels are established for some inorganics.