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General Course Abstract

This two-day seminar format course exposes students to the complexities involved in real-world ethical decision-making. It provides students with strategies, or tools, for understanding and thinking through ethical problems to arrive at a decision. Students practice working with these strategies by applying them to realistic, complex cases.

Day 1 Abstract

During the first day of the course, guidelines and principles for ethical research practices are discussed. It is emphasized that students must apply guidelines in a context to arrive at a decision, and the course provides guidance on this decision-making process. Next, students learn about the personal biases and other internal and external constraints that place limits on, and even undermine, their ethical decision-making.

Day 2 Abstract

The second day of the course focuses heavily on working through complex cases, including one role-play scenario. Students learn more about the complexities involved in making ethical decisions, for instance individuals have both personal and professional goals, values, and experiences, which influence the way that they frame and understand problems. Students also practice thinking about problems for the perspectives of others. The second day also introduces the notion that field-specific differences in ethical decision-making are likely to exist, and students discuss these differences.

[Abstract by author]


Authorship and Publication, Data Management, Mentoring, Plagiarism, Social Dimensions of Ethical Behavior, Whistle Blowing

Material Type

Teaching Module

Research Area

Engineering | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

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