Envisioning Yantian Urban Greenway: A Part of Pearl River Delta Greenway System in China
This master project proposes an urban greenway for Yantian district in Shenzhen, China. Various challenges in the selected area are analyzed including urban green space fragmentation, water pollution, high building density, lack of open space, singular land use and loss of cultural identity. A greenway solution is proposed based on field visit/study, literature review, background data study and case studies. Greenway theories and precedence study provide guidance on the selection of strategies to deal with those challenges in the urban area. Specific sustainable urban development concepts such as stormwater management, material reuse and mixed land use are adopted. The greenway design proposal includes a larger scale urban area conceptual plan and a focused area schematic plan. Multiple functions have been proposed to deal with the complex urban challenges. The broader scale plan creates a green network of land that heals the land fragmentation and water pollution of Yantian River. The finer scale plan creates a green connection between two forest parks with other functions like public open space, stormwater treatment, environmental education and water remediation. This multi-level and multi-functional urban greenway explores the possibility of a more sustainable urban environment in the future for the Yantian district.