Rhizobacterial community structure in response to nitrogen addition varied between two Mollisols differing in soil organic carbon
Excessive nitrogen (N) fertilizer input to agroecosystem fundamentally alters soil microbial properties and subsequent their ecofunctions such as carbon (C) sequestration and nutrient cycling in soil. However, between soils, the rhizobacterial community diversity and structure in response to N addition is not well understood, which is important to make proper N fertilization strategies to alleviate the negative impact of N addition on soil organic C and soil quality and maintain plant health in soils. Thus, a rhizo-box experiment was conducted with soybean grown in two soils, i.e. soil organic C (SOC)-poor and SOC-rich soil, supplied with three N rates in a range from 0 to 100 mg N kg−1. The rhizospheric soil was collected 50 days after sowing and MiSeq sequencing was deployed to analyze the rhizobacterial community structure. The results showed that increasing N addition significantly decreased the number of phylotype of rhizobacteria by 12.3%, and decreased Shannon index from 5.98 to 5.36 irrespective of soils. Compared to the SOC-rich soil, the increases in abundances of Aquincola affiliated to Proteobacteria, and Streptomyces affiliated to Actinobacteria were greater in the SOC-poor soil in response to N addition. An opposite trend was observed for Ramlibacter belong to Proteobacteria. These results suggest that N addition reduced the rhizobacterial diversity and its influence on rhizobacterial community structure was soil-specific.