Examining Mediation and Moderation Effects of Academic Motivation on the Relationship Between Disciplinary Events and Academic Performance in Secondary School
Academic motivation is a key factor in students’ academic and behavioral success in school. Previous research has demonstrated strong relationships between disciplinary events and academic performance, as well as between academic performance and academic motivation. However, there is limited understanding of the relationship between academic motivation and disciplinary events, or how academic motivation, academic performance, and disciplinary events are related. The purpose of this study was to examine student self-ratings of their academic motivation in grades 9-12 in a public high school, and to investigate the associations and interactive relationships between these three variables. Participants (N=78) completed the Academic Resilience Scale School (Cassidy, 2016) and school records were accessed for data on disciplinary events and academic performance. Using linear regression, the relationships between disciplinary events and academic performance, academic motivation and academic performance, and disciplinary events and academic motivation were analyzed. It was shown that disciplinary events were significantly associated with lower ratings of academic motivation and lower academic performance. Higher academic motivation was significantly associated with higher academic performance. Additionally, academic motivation was found to be a significant partial mediator on the relationship between disciplinary events and academic performance. Students who had disciplinary events, but reported high academic motivation, were found to have higher academic performance than students who reported lower academic motivation. Limitations of the study, implications for the field, and future directions will also be discussed.