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Promoting Self-Determination Skills of Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities Participating in the Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative Programs throughout Massachusetts

There are currently 15 Inclusive Concurrent Enrollment Initiative (ICEI) Programs throughout Massachusetts. Each program is different in its day-to-day planning but all adhere to the mission, full inclusion of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The purpose of this evaluative research study was to examine and understand the functional components of postsecondary education programs that promote self-determination for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities and to differentiate programs that include or do not include these components. To answer the five research questions data were collected from Students, Educational Coaches, ICEI Program Coordinators, Transition Liaisons, Statewide Coordinator, observations, and record reviews. To answer all the questions, it required integrating what we have learned about the program participants with what we are observing in the program. All of this information provided evidence to understand participant perceptions of the observed programs. All of the information collected was interpreted through qualitative and quantitative approaches consistent with the CIPP model. In addition to examining the quality and potential efficacy of program components, I also examined the consistency across programs. For instance, it was important to know if certain components were viewed as effective components across programs, while other components were viewed as being less effective across programs. These consistencies helped me to understand how the statewide support of specific programs may be adequately or inadequately supporting implementation of those components. Recommendations for program improvement activities to promote self-determinations skills, knowledge, and beliefs of students and educators are provided based on all of the data collected throughout the evaluation.