Reconsidering the Community Center - Restorative Strategies Within Existing Frameworks
The overarching goal of this investigation is to determine how an existing building of spatial and programmatic rigidity can serve as a framework for designing a more integrated center for personal and community development. This project is an exploration of what a building can evolve into after its "shelf-life" has expired, with the aid of a reconsidered architectural vision. Formulated within criteria individual to its context, it is intended to be an investigation of possibility and the testing of a nascent potential, not an attempt to serve as a prescriptive, panacea solution. It is an examination of a creative vision in the development of a more responsive and expressive community space. Through this exploration, the architectural experience as derived from a subject-object perspective will be investigated and considered, as well as the art of placemaking in crafting a design strategy that is responsive to its immediate context, reconsidering the ability of architecture to generate meaning and experience outside of its prototypically considered building-envelope boundaries. By focusing on the potential to for personal and community-based growth and development, three avenues of program will be explored: Education, Experience, and Expression. Serving as an intersection point between cultural production and cultural consumption, the transmission of this cultural capital has the ability to gestate a deeper sense of identity amongst the embedded community.