My dissertation is composed of three independent but interrelated essays. Each essay focuses on a specific perspective to study leadership at the individual level or at the team level and beyond. My first essay, Consequences of Leader Self-Efficacy Dissimilarity in Self-managing Teams, looks at the impacts of leader self-efficacy dissimilarity upon shared leadership and the consequent effects on team effectiveness in self-managing teams. My second essay, A Longitudinal Study on Leadership Identification in Self-managing Teams, explains why leadership structures may vary in self-managing teams and how individuals develop their leadership roles in a non-hierarchical organizational context. My third essay, Why You Become a Leader or a Follower? A Q Methodology Study on Chinese Business Practitioners, explores and identifies factors in Chinese social and cultural systems that shape and influence individuals to become leaders or followers. My three-essay dissertation identifies the determinants and consequences of leadership in different organizational contexts. I expect this dissertation will enrich leadership literature and increase the understanding of how to foster a team or an organization with effective leadership.