Optimized site selection for a health themed recreational city
Industrial cities have many issues including people working long hours, environmental pollution, the aging of the population, and consumers demanding to have leisure, recreation and outdoor recreation opportunities. Constructing a place for healthy outdoor recreation can address some of those needs. The primary objective of this study is to test this concept by identifying and prioritizing the potential health recreational sites using Geographic Information System (GIS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) in Isfahan City, Iran. This study identifies the following factors as indicators of suitability within a health recreational city: land prices, road system, capitation, distance from industrial areas, the Air Quality Index, distance from a river, recreational sites, access to public transport stations, and distance to medical care. These factors were selected based on the professional expert’s opinions developed through the Delphi method. AHP was effectively used in this study to calculate the details of the factors and class weights. GIS (v10.2), which plays a crucial role in urban planning, was employed. The methodology proposed was useful in identifying health recreational sites by linking the criteria deemed important with the actual resources of the province.