Fish Passage: Concepts, Application, and Evaluation - Great Lakes Tributary Streams
None supplied. From executive summary: The Great Lakes Fishery Commission (GLFC) considers the placement of low-head barriers in streams tributary to the Great Lakes to be the most effective of currently available alternatives to chemical control of parasitic sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). A key consideration for the Barrier Program is the development of barrier and trap designs that are effective in controlling sea lamprey, yet also effective in allowing the normal movements of other fish species. Accordingly, the international workshop 'Fish Passage: Concepts, Applications, and Evaluation - Great Lakes Tributary Streams' was funded by GLFC and held 2-3 February 2001 at the S.O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center in Turners Falls, MA, USA. The objectives of the workshop were to (1) initiate the development of a long-term coordinated research program which integrates biological and engineering considerations for the trapping of sea lamprey and the passage of nontarget fishes at barriers; and (2) develop initial design considerations for an experimental facility or facilities for the trapping and passage research. Four research themes were addressed sequentially at the workshop. Theme 1 identified aspects of the behaviour, physiology, and ecology of sea lamprey that could be exploited to improve control via barriers and traps. Theme 2 addressed ways of identifying nontarget fishes that need to pass low-head barriers, prioritizing these species for passage research, identifying specific research needs, and evaluating the effectiveness of fish passage efforts from the perspective of minimizing habitat and population fragmentation by barriers. Theme 3 considered the new knowledge needed to improve the design of barriers, traps, and fishways as well as ways of assessing the performance of these designs. Theme 4 synthesized and prioritized the research questions that emerged from themes 1 to 3 and then focused on the type(s) of facility(ies) needed to address these.