Landscape Architecture & Regional Planning Studio and Student Research and Creative Activity

Publication Date

Spring 3-2011


LA 497C: Greenway Planning Studio - Undergraduate Program

Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning

University of Massachusetts Amherst

Senior Students guided by: Professors Robert L. Ryan, Peter A. Kumble and Teaching Assistant: Kate Tooke


This is one of five reports submitted for the LA497C Spring 2011 Senior Studio project.

Hatfield, Massachusetts is a small town within the Pioneer Valley. With the Connecticut River to the east, Hatfield is spanned with extremely rich agriculture near the river and mountains in West Hatfield. The town is split into two major areas, separated by both geographical features, and major transportation routes that head from the North to the South. Hatfield also is home to the Mill River, a waterway that is revered for its biodiversity. Founded in 1630, Hatfield was once settled by the Native Americans, and it currently hosts many historical buildings and districts of different time periods . Hatfield has many unique and valuable traits that the town is attempting to preserve. The preservation of the current lifestyle of Hatfield residents is a major goal outlined in the Town Master Plan, Open Space and Recreation Plan, and the Town Center Revitalization Plan. These planning documents illustrate the efforts the town is putting forward to planning and preparing for expected increase in development demands.
