Publication Date


Committee Members

Henry Renski, Chair - Flavia Montenegro-Menezes, Member


Mill Revitalization Districts have the ability to generate new vitality in some of the nation's oldest communities. When efficacious, these districts promote economic development, community beautification, and environmental health. However, when attempts at redevelopment fail they leave ugly scars in the form of decaying buildings and underutilized resources. Monetary investment and intent to improve a community are two factors that by themselves, will not preserve a mill complex or benefit a city. The first Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recognized districts in the early 2000s showed signs of varying success; there was a missing catalyst besides monetary investment. In fact, it seems that it is not the developer, but something within the community itself that produces a successful revitalization.

This project was founded on the idea that the human elements of a community promote the realization of a Mill Revitalization District (MRD).
