This site contains the scholarly papers presented at five music education symposia held in the United States between 1995 and 2007. All of the papers, by leading scholars and teachers in music education from North America and Europe, originally appeared in proceedings of the various symposia and are no longer in publication. They are reprinted here as a service to music education. Three of the symposia are devoted to the sociology of music education and the other two are devoted to music teacher education. Stephen Paul and Roger Rideout hosted On The Sociology of Music Education I and II and On Music Teacher Education at the University of Oklahoma, Norman in 1995, 1997 and 1999 respectively. Hildegard Froehlich, Darryl Coan and Roger Rideout hosted On The Sociology of Music Education III at the University of North Texas, Denton in 2003. Roger Rideout hosted On The Sociology of Music Education IV at University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2005. Peter Tiboris, Hal Abeles, and Roger Rideout hosted Policies and Practices: Rethinking Music Teacher Preparation in the 21st Century at Teachers College, Columbia University in 2007.

The papers are organized under the symposia titles. An Introduction and Table of Contents are provided for each. By perusing the Table of Contents, a reader can identify a paper, topic or author of interest. The individual papers are identified by the author's name. This format is the simplest way of conforming to Scholarworks protocols and allowing interested readers to find a specific paper.
