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Publication Identification and mapping of fruit rot resistance QTL in American cranberry using GBS(2017-08-29) Daverdin, Guillaume; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Zalapa, Juan; Vorsa, Nicholi; Polashock, JamesAbstract: Sustainability of the cranberry industry is threatened by widespread and increasing losses due to fruit rot in the field, as well as increasing restrictions on fungicide inputs. Breeding for resistance offers a partial solution, but is challenging because fruit rot is caused by a complex of pathogenic fungi that can vary by location and from year to year. We identified four genetically diverse germplasm accessions that exhibit broad-spectrum fruit rot resistance under field conditions. Three of these accessions were used in biparental crosses to develop four populations segregating for resistance. Genotyping by sequencing was used to generate SNP markers for development of high density genetic maps and QTL analyses. Nineteen QTL associated with fruit rot resistance, distributed on nine linkage groups, were discovered in our populations. Three of these QTL matched previously reported fruit rot resistance QTL. Four newly reported QTL found on linkage group 8 (Vm8), which explain between 21 and 33% of the phenotypic variance for fruit rot, are of particular interest to our breeding program. The populations described herein were also phenotyped for other horticulturally important traits, and QTL associated with yield and berry weight were identified. These QTL provide markers for candidate gene discovery and for future breeding efforts to enhance and pyramid disease resistance and other traits into elite horticultural backgrounds.Publication Population Densities of Lepidopteran Pests in Selected Cranberry Cultivars in Wisconsin(2017-08-29) McMahan, Erin; Steffan, Shawn; Guedot, ChristelleAbstract: Host plant resistance, an important strategy of integrated pest management, was examined in the American cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton (Ericaceae). Despite the pressure on cranberry growers to reduce pesticide usage, host plant resistance is not used to help manage insect populations. This study measured field population densities of the three most economically important pest insects in Wisconsin, namely, cranberry fruitworm (Acrobasis vaccinii Riley), sparganothis fruitworm (Sparganothis sulfureana Clemens), and blackheaded fireworm (Rhopobota naevana Hu¨bner), in five different cranberry cultivars, i.e., ‘Stevens’, ‘Ben Lear’, ‘GH1’, ‘Mullica Queen’, and ‘HyRed’. Population densities of male moths of all three species were assessed using pheromone traps in beds of the different cranberry cultivars in commercial marshes in central Wisconsin. For each cultivar, damaged cranberries were collected, and the number of damaged berries and the number of larvae feeding within berries were compared among cultivars. More than 99% of larvae collected were cranberry fruitworm. Mullica Queen and Ben Lear had more damaged berries than Stevens or GH1, and had more larvae than GH1. Conversely, fewer adult male sparganothis fruitworm were found in Ben Lear and Mullica Queen beds than in beds of Stevens or GH1. Adult populations of cranberry fruitworm and blackheaded fireworm were not different among cultivars. Our findings provide evidence of different levels of resistance in common cranberry cultivars, which should inform future plantings and breeding programs.Publication Quantifying nitrogen export from a large agricultural watershed to a coastal bay in southeastern Massachusetts(2017-08-29) Wilderotter, Sophie; Kennedy, CaseyAbstract: Mitigating nonpoint pollution is the single greatest challenge to improving coastal waters in the United States. In southeastern Massachusetts, the effects of nonpoint pollution are clearly evident in the degradation of water quality in Buzzards Bay, a large (~600 km2) coastal bay where nonpoint nitrogen (N) pollution is a matter of the utmost concern. Although septic effluent is considered the largest nonpoint source of N pollution, cranberry agriculture is often implicated as a prominent source of N to the bay. For instance, the heavily agricultural Weweantic River watershed is estimated to export 107,300 kg N yr-1, or 22% of the annual N load to the bay. Although the Wewenatic River is closely connected to water quality in the bay, field-based measurements of N export from the Weweantic River are lacking. To fill this gap, we initiated a 2-yr monitoring study of N export from the Weweantic River in July of 2016. The location of our water quality monitoring station was ~3.5 km upstream of a former milldam, which eliminated the potentially confounding effects of tidal fluctuations. A stage-discharge rating curve was established for continuous measurement of streamflow, and stream water samples were collected 3 d per week to determine concentrations of total N (TN), total dissolved N (TDN), nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+), dissolved inorganic N (DIN = NH4+ + NO3-), dissolved organic N (DON = TDN – DIN), and particulate N (PN = TN – TDN). Streamflow exhibited considerable seasonal variation, ranging from 90 L s-1 in the summer (August) to 7600 L s-1 in the spring (April). Concentrations of TN were highest in the summer (mean = 0.46 N L-1), intermediate between November and February (mean = 0.34 mg N L-1), and lowest from March to April (mean = 0.28 mg N L-1). The majority of N exported by the Weweantic River was in the form of DON, which represented, on average, 77% of TN (per sample basis). Measured TN load of 1.8 kg N ha-1 yr-1 (1.7 kg N ha-1 yr-1as DON) was about half the model predicted mean TN load of 4.8 (±0.8) kg N ha-1 yr-1 (1 standard deviation in parentheses). Lower observed loading could be due to the 2016 drought, supporting the need for further monitoring, or to uncertainty in model inputs (i.e., model simulations assume N fertilizer use of 84 kg N ha-1 for cranberry agriculture, whereas grower records indicate N fertilizer use between 40-50 kg N ha-1). Answers to these questions, as well as inverse modeling to estimate cranberry agriculture N loading rates and in-stream N uptake, will be the focus of the monitoring in year 2 of the study. This poster is not available for downloading.Publication Metabolomic Analysis of Commercial Cranberry Supplements(2017-08-29) Turbitt, John; Neto, Catherine; Killday, Brian; Colson, KimAbstract. The potential health benefits of cranberries (Vaccinium macrocarpon) can be attributed to a variety of secondary metabolites, including proanthocyanidins (PACs), flavonoids, organic acids, and triterpenoids. Commercial cranberry supplements can provide a low-sugar alternative to juices and sweetened fruit products, however the phytochemical content can be expected to vary due to widely differing manufacturing processes. Selected commercial cranberry supplements were analyzed for secondary metabolite profile in comparison to a whole cranberry powder reference standard material, using 1H qNMR with Bruker AssureNMR software. HPLC-DAD and the DMAC assay were employed for total anthocyanin and PAC content respectively. Principal component analysis of 1H NMR spectra showed overlap between several supplements and whole cranberry powder, whereas others varied widely from the standard. Total PAC content varied widely, with four supplements ranging 5 - 10 mg PAC/g dry weight, one at 100 mg PAC/g dry weight, and insignificant PAC content in the rest. Several supplements contained only minimal amounts of organic acids and flavonoids. Cranberry peel constituents ursolic acid (8.0-16.3 mg/g) and oleanolic acid (0.3-5.1 mg/g), were detected in the whole cranberry reference standard but only about half of the supplements. Study results suggest significant variation in phytochemical composition among commercial cranberry supplements, reinforcing the need for reliable industry standards. This poster is not available for downloading.Publication Variation in p-coumaric acid and quercetin derivatives in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) leaf and fruit in response to fruit and root rot diseases(2017-08-29) Wang, Xin; Neto, Catherine; Saalau Rojas, ErikaAbstract. Cranberry is a popular fruit due to reported health benefits, but fruit rot and root rot diseases can decrease fruit production and quality. To determine the influence of infections, p-coumaric acid and quercetin derivatives which contribute to fruit quality were used as markers. Several cultivars including Stevens (ST), Mullica Queen (MQ), and Demoranville (DM) were sampled in MA during 2016 growing season. Analytical methods were developed for these markers in leaf and fruit with Waters UPLC-MS/MS system. Exposure to the two types of pathogens produced different responses. ST showed significant higher content in p-coumaric acid and quercetin derivatives when exposed to Phytophthora and significant lower content in these compounds when exposed to fruit rot fungi. For cultivars MQ and DM, healthy and infected plants exhibited less differences in phenolic composition, suggesting these cultivars may be less susceptible to fruit rot fungi than ST. Principal component analysis of the mass spectra confirmed several p-coumaric acid and quercetin derivatives as contributors to the variations in composition between the healthy and infected samples. This poster is not available for downloading.Publication Metabolomic analysis and variation in phytochemical composition among North American cranberry cultivars(2017-08-29) Xue, Liang; Milstead, Andrew; Colson, Kim; Neto, CatherineAbstract. Cranberries, Vaccinium macrocarpon, are cultivated across several regions of North America. Reported bioactivities of cranberries include antibacterial and antioxidant, with benefits for urinary tract, cardiovascular and gut health. The content of secondary metabolites in the fruit can vary due to factors such as climate, temperature, humidity, cultivar, and disease-related stress; thus a better understanding of how these factors impact composition is desired. Cranberry fruit of multiple cultivars was collected from Massachusetts and Oregon bogs during the 2011 and 2016 growing seasons. Quantitative 1H NMR (qNMR) methods using Assure-RMS software (Bruker Biospin) were developed to quantify triterpenoids and organic acids not easily detected by absorbance-based methods. These include anti-inflammatory compounds ursolic and oleanolic acid, as well as citric, malic, and quinic acids. Using qNMR, cultivar and seasonal differences in these acids were observed. 1H NMR combined with PCA provided non-targeted analysis of variation in fruit composition among samples, revealing similarities and differences between cultivars. Selected polyphenols were also determined using established methods; DMAC assay for total proanthocyanidins (PACs) and HPLC-DAD for quercetin-3-galactoside. As cranberries are a plentiful source of polyphenol antioxidants, a microplate DPPH assay was developed to measure free-radical scavenging antioxidant activity and investigate correlations with fruit composition. The goal is to establish relationships between the health-promoting properties and phytochemical profiles of cranberry fruit from a variety of sources. This poster is not available for downloading.Publication Exploring Cranberry Cold Hardiness Using Differential Thermal Analysis(2017-08-29) Villouta, Camilo; Workmaster, Beth Ann; Bolivar-Medina, Jenny; Atucha, AmayaAbstract: To date, cranberry terminal bud cold hardiness has been assessed by controlled freezing tests where levels of damage are evaluated from tissue samples exposed to a range of predetermined sub-freezing temperatures. As in many woody plant buds, freezing stress damage in cranberry is variable across different structures of the bud, often making evaluation challenging. The buds of many woody plant species survive freezing stress by the mechanism of supercooling, the maintenance of water in the liquid state in specific tissues to temperatures below 0°C. The eventual freezing of this supercooled water is lethal to the tissue. The exotherm released from this phase change of water is detectable by the technique of differential thermal analysis (DTA). As part of a larger study on cranberry bud cold hardiness changes concurrent with the plant’s transitions into and out of endodormancy, our initial objective has been to assess the supercooling capability of cranberry buds and the applicability of DTA to quantify this phenomenon. The study was conducted with samples of ‘Stevens’ and ‘HyRed’ collected weekly from two farms in central Wisconsin from ice-off until bud swell in early 2017. Eleven DTA tests were run in custom-built equipment, with controlled freezing tests also performed on the last four sample dates. Low temperature exotherms (LTEs) were detected, supporting the hypothesis that cranberry bud tissue supercools. However, the observed number of LTEs was lower than expected, being detected in only 20 to 40% of the total number of buds tested on a given date (n = 90 to 100). Based on these results, LT10, LT50, and LT90 values were calculated. Over the course of the sampling period, the range of LT50 values remained stable (from -11.3 to -7.3 °C in ‘HyRed’ and from -12.7 to -5.8 °C in ‘Stevens’ ) and did not fluctuate in response to changes in air temperature or the observed variations in leaf pigments. This is in contrast with the results of our controlled freezing tests and those of Workmaster et al. (2006) where LT50 values by showed important shifts from tight bud to bud swell. We are considering technical and physiological explanations for the reduced number of LTEs. Despite efforts to maximize equipment sensitivity, technical challenges may remain. Alternatively, changes in water relations of many woody plant buds occur in response to both endodormancy and prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures. These changes are known to involve the mobilization of water from primordia to other organs, such as bud scales, increasing the ability of primordia to supercool, a process known as extraorgan freezing. Additionally, anatomical observations support this freezing stress survival hypothesis in cranberry buds. This poster is not available for downloading.Publication Regional and temporal parasite loads in bumble bees associated with cranberry landscapes(2017-08-29) Hahn, Noel; Couto, Andrea; Averill, AnneAbstract. There are concerns that the fitness of bumble bees that provide pollination services to cranberry could suffer within intensively managed agricultural lands. In the cranberry region of Massachusetts, the crop occurs within urbanized coastal and sand plains that generally lack floral resources. Additional stressors that compromise the health of bumble bee colonies could be the reduction of habitat and infections by parasites. In contrast to the lack of floral resources in the region, the mass bloom of managed cranberry provides abundant floral resources around July. We examined the prevalence and intensity of pathogen infection in bumble bees collected across areas of varying cranberry bloom. To determine how the amount of cranberry acreage affects the prevalence of these parasites, bumble bee queens and workers of multiple Bombus spp. were assessed for parasite presence and load. The amount of cranberry bog within 2 km of each collected bee was calculated and included in a model testing its effect on parasite prevalence and intensity. Initial investigations appeared to show higher prevalence and intensity of the trypanosome Crithidia bombi in areas with little to no acreage of cranberry bog in comparison to areas with higher acreage of cranberry. This did not hold true for Nosema bombi, Apicystis bombi, and parasitism by conopid flies. We speculate on the reasons behind our findings, including the potential effects of fungicide use and phytochemicals on the health of bumble bees.Publication Impact of fertilization on the firmness of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon AIT.)(2017-08-29) Jamaly, S.M. Reza; Marchand, Sebastien; Parent, Serge-Etienne; Gumiere, Silvio Jose; Deland, Jean-Pierre; Parent, Leon-EtienneAbstract. Québec is one of the leading cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) or called ‘Atoka’ in the Iroquoian language, producers in the world. Fertilization is a key management tool to reach high fruit yield and good quality. For example, in blueberries, rates and application methods of fertilizers can affect fruit firmness. N showed the greatest effect on the development, flowering, and productivity of the cranberry plant. On the other side, hand harvesting is preferred for marketing of fresh fruit since the physical abuse of mechanical harvesting reduces fruit firmness and substantially reduces market life. The objective of this research was to study the potential of firmness reflectance TA.TX2 Texture Analyzer as a means for measurement of fresh fruit firmness. Four experimental sites were established since 2014 on podzolic acid sandy soils containing more than 90% sand at Notre Dame-de-Lourdes and St-Louis-de-Blandford in central Québec. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with cv. “Stevens” established on permanent plots comprised five N, three P, four K and S, and also two Mg, Cu and B doses. Berries were hand-harvested on 0.37 m2 areas, 2-3 weeks before commercial harvesting. The fruits from zero N treatment were best for firmness and economic profit. Although, These N application rates discourage a good relationship between commercial yield and fruit quality. In other hand, the zero N rate resulted in lowest yield production and high quality; the fruit had the greatest N (60 kg ha-1) rate was diminished significantly firmness of the cranberry fruit. Finally, the 45 kg N ha-1 rate produced high yield with the buildup and maintenance concept and poor fruit quality.Publication Soil Moisture Management and Variability in Cranberry Beds(2017-08-29) Jeranyama, Peter; Kennedy, Casey; DeMoranville, Carolyn; Brennan, RebeccaAbstract. Summer irrigation is a major management input in cranberry production, and traditionally, cranberry beds have received 25 mm of water per week from either rain, capillary action from groundwater, irrigation , or some combination of these from late spring through the summer. However, environmental conditions and drainage characteristics can vary from bog to bog, meaning that the 25-mm rule does not always result in ideal soil moisture conditions. Measurement of cranberry soil water status has been based on two technologies; (i) measuring the amount of water in the soil using volumetric water sensors or measuring the depth of the water table in the soil by means of water level floats, and (ii) measuring the energy status of the water (water potential) using a tensiometer. Ideally, irrigation scheduling should consider plant processes in conjunction with the status of the soil water matrix to quantify water stress under different soil conditions. This project assessed various tools of measuring soil water moisture in cranberry beds including a FieldScout TDR 300 Soil Moisture Meter and wireless tensiometers. Six cranberry beds primarily growing cultivar ‘Stevens’ were monitored throughout the growing season for tension readings; wireless tensiometers reported data to a web portal at 15-min intervals, making it easy to download data. The FieldScout TDR 300 Soil Moisture Meter was used to develop soil moisture maps of monitored beds on a weekly basis during the season. The Moisture Meter was connected to a GPS unit so that generated maps could be overlaid on a satellite image of the bed providing precise locations of soil moisture content at the time of measurement. The FieldScout TDR 300 Soil Moisture Meter maps indicated a great variability in soil moisture throughout monitored cranberry beds. Soil moisture variability demonstrated a 10-20% range of differences. This lack of uniformity in soil moisture content makes it difficult to choose an ideal location for installing a soil moisture monitoring device such as a tensiometer. The relationship between soil moisture content and tension was developed in a previous project and has been reported in MA (Jeranyama et al., 2014) and in Canada (Pelletier et al., 2013).Publication Control of Carolina redroot (Lachnanthes caroliana) in cranberry with preemergence herbicides(2017-08-29) Carr, Baylee; Besancon, Thierry; Schiffhauer, DanAbstract. New Jersey produced 27 million kg of cranberries in 2015 at a farm value of $22 million (USDA 2017). Cranberry beds in New Jersey are concentrated in the Pine Barrens coastal plain where soil conditions (sandy texture, pH 4.0 to 5.0, good drainage) are optimal for cranberry production. The perennial nature of cranberry production predisposes the crop to a diversity of weed species ranging from herbaceous weeds to woody perennial species. Among perennial weed species, Carolina redroot has been an increasing source of concern for New Jersey cranberry growers regarding the lack of sufficient control from their current management strategies. Carolina redroot is a perennial herbaceous monocotyledonous species member of the Haemodoraceae family whose common name is derived from the orange to red coloration of its roots and rhizome. Information regarding herbicidal control of Carolina redroot is extremely limited and mostly restricted to blueberry production (Myers et al. 2013). In order to address the issues of successfully managing Carolina redroot under extremely specific environmental and cropping conditions, a study was initiated in the spring of 2017 to evaluate the efficiency of three herbicides at different rates for preemergence control of Carolina redroot. A complete lack of control in the twelve weeks that followed the application was noted for the plants that were treated with Norflurazon at 560, 1,120, 2,240, and 4,480 g ai ha-1. Control of Carolina redroot with napropamide applied at 6,720 g ai ha-1 was 74% 28 days after treatment (DAT) and increased to 78% at 83 DAT. Greater control was achieved early in the season with dichlobenil applied at 2,240 or 4,480 g ai ha-1 with 90 and 99% control, respectively, at 28 DAT. However, control with dichlobenil declined between 28 and 83 DAT. Carolina redroot density in the nontreated plots reached 430 plants m-2 56 DAT but was reduced to 275 plants m-2 with napropamide, 95 plants m-2 with dichlobenil at 2,240 g ai ha-1, and 70 plants m-2 with dichlobenil at 4,480 g ai ha-1. Significant damages to the cranberry crop were noted with dichlobenil at 4,480 g ai ha-1, mostly in the form of chlorosis early in the season (19% at 40 DAT) and stunting later (15% at 83 DAT).Publication Cranberry bud formation and floral meristem development(2017-08-28) Bolivar-Medina, Jenny; Zalapa, Juan; Patterson, Sara; Villouta, Camilo; Workmaster, Beth Ann; Atucha, AmayaAbstract: Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is one of the few native fruit crops from North America, and Wisconsin is one of the main producers nationwide. Fruit production in cranberry fields rely on the ability of the uprights (vertical stems) to set buds with floral meristems for the following growing season. However, little is still known about bud formation and floral meristem development in cranberry cultivars. This study evaluates the presence and differentiation of floral initials within apical buds. Longitudinal and cross sections from both vegetative and fruiting uprights of two cultivars were analyzed. Periodical collections and histological analysis revealed differences in bud formation and floral meristems development between cultivars and upright types, across the growing season (June to August) and through dormancy (September to April). Note: The presentation is not available to download.Publication New Brunswick Cranberry Industry Update(2017-08-28) Graham, GavinAbstract: New Brunswick growers produced cranberries on over 900 acres in 2016 and had a record harvest of 13,780 barrels last season. Growers are having difficulty navigating the low price concerns, and have begun to limit expenses and treatments as best they can. They are monitoring for pesticide application more than ever and have moved towards more effective use of irrigation in recent years. Weeds are beginning to be more problematic in fields, but this could also be from a mild winter. Other pest pressures have been low in 2017. One grower had extensive early leaf drop in the spring, but plants have recovered. Under a Growing Forward 2 program, the industry can access financial assistance as an incentive to plant higher yielding or earlier maturing varieties. The program will assist with the purchase of plants and associated movement costs. All other costs are not supported. Approximately 5 acres have been approved for planting. Another program helped support the purchase of the updated “Identification Guide for Weeds in Cranberries”, one for each farm in New Brunswick. Recent herbicide trial results have been inconsistent, mainly due to inadequate weed species and densities in trials from 2013-2016. Crop tolerance has been adequate for most herbicides tested, with improved safety from applications made before bud break.Publication Cranberry Toad bugs: What are they?(2017-08-28) Rodriguez-Saona, Cesar; Kyryczenko-Roth, Vera; Holdcraft, RobertAbstract: In recent years, there has been an increased concern among New Jersey cranberry growers for the potential increase in secondary pests, such as the cranberry toad bug Phylloscelis atra (Hemiptera: Dictyopharidae), because of changes in pest management strategies (e.g., adoption of new reduced-risk products and decreased applications of broad-spectrum insecticides). In 2013, we observed damage in cranberry bogs caused by the cranberry toad bug in New Jersey. Here we report results from studies being conducted to: 1) determine the life cycle of cranberry toad bugs in New Jersey cranberries; 2) determine the impact of toad bug feeding damage on cranberries, and 3) assess the efficacy of various insecticides against toad bugs. Our results from 2016 show that 1st instar nymphs start to appear by the end of June, and develop throughout July and August until early September. Adults are active from the end of July through October (harvest), and eggs are laid from end of August through October. To determine the impact of toad bugs on cranberry vine health and fruit quality, we conducted studies to characterize their feeding damage to cranberries at various densities. Treatments consisted of 0 (control), 10, 25, or 50 toad bug nymphs, replicated 5 times. Nymphs were used as they are the main target of insecticide applications and the cause of most of the early damage to the vines. Toad bug damage to uprights differed among treatments. Although there were no differences in number of damaged uprights between the control and 10 toad bugs, damage to uprights was three times higher at densities equal or greater than 25 toad bugs. No differences were found on number of damaged fruit or fruit weight. In 2016, we evaluated the efficacy of a late season application of nine insecticides (plus an untreated control) against toad bugs. A cranberry bog (var. ‘Early Black’) located at the Rutgers P.E. Marucci Center was divided into 40 (4.5 m x 6 m) plots for a total of 10 treatments replicated four times. Plots were sprayed on 5 August using a customized 2.4 m boom sprayer, and insecticide treatments were applied in 20 gal water per ha. Vacuumed samples were taken on 3 August (pre-treatment) and on 12 August (post-treatment) from 1 m2 sections in each plot with a 2‐cycle backpack aspirator. Lorsban, Sevin, Diazinon, Brigade, Agri-Mek, and Assail were effective at controlling toad bugs, whereas Beleaf, Exirel, and Closer were not effective. These studies are being repeated in 2017.Publication Root Growth Patterns in Cranberries(2017-08-28) Atucha, Amaya; Workmaster, Beth AnnAbstract. Understanding root growth dynamics in cranberry vines can help growers adjust and target production practices (e.g., irrigation, fertilization, agrochemical applications, disease control, etc.) to period of active root growth, thus increasing production efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. The main objective of this study was to characterize cranberry root growth dynamics and root morphological traits, and develop a root phenology model to increase production efficiency and sustainability. A total of sixteen minirhizotron root observation tubes were constructed and installed in an angled position (30°) in the root zones of selected beds of ‘Stevens’ and ‘GH1’ at a farm in the Tomah, Wisconsin area during the fall of 2014. Root images were recorded from April 2015 to January 2016, and from April 2016 to November 2016. Root image analysis was performed using WinRhizo Tron analysis software (Regent Instruments, Quebec, Canada) and JMP statistical analysis software. During 2015 and 2016, new root production began during bloom time, and continued until after harvest. The highest rate of root production happened during and after harvest, which corresponds to the cessation of vegetative growth on the above ground portion of the plants. Root activity and production extends past harvest into mid-late fall, which might suggest that more attention should be paid to soil moisture levels during fall given that roots are still up taking water and nutrients. Over 90% of new roots observed were located in the first 4 inches (10 cm) of soil, which could be related to irrigation management in the marsh where the study was located. Note: The presentation is not available to download.Publication Spring Frost Prediction Models in Cranberry(2017-08-28) Jeranyama, PeterAbstract: The cranberry industry in MA has long been served by predictive formulas for cranberry frost protection, diligently created by Dr. Franklin in the 1940s. Recently, climate patterns and grower winter management practices have changed, and in several of the last few years, a need for frost prediction as early as the last week of March has emerged. Likewise, in the fall, late harvesting has become a more regular practice, so that prediction for the first two weeks of November is also needed. Because the Franklin formulas were developed for specific seasonal periods, their use outside of these intervals yields unreliable results. To mitigate unreliable predictions outside the time periods used by Franklin, I. DeMoranville developed supplementary formulas that have not been adopted by the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers Association (CCCGA) for cranberry frost predictions. This project is developing new frost prediction models based upon the current body of agroclimatic research and information. Frost prediction models are being developed using logistic regression and decision tree techniques. Hit Rate (HR), Probability of Detection (POD), and False Alarm Rate (FAR) from both models were calculated and compared. Threshold values for the logistic regression models were selected to maximize HR and POD and minimize FAR, and the split for the decision tree models was stopped when change in entropy was relatively small. Although this approach is somewhat risky, it has the potential to unearth modern knowledge in this area and to develop new empirical formulas that bear no resemblance to the old. Models will be validated against historical data; however, emphasis will be placed on the period during which cranberry culture dramatically changed and where weather patterns seem to have shifted.Publication Effect of Nitrogen Fertilization on Cranberry Fresh Fruit Keeping Quality(2017-08-28) Deland, Jean-Pierre; Jamaly, Reza; Parent, Leon-Etienne; Bellamy, DavidAbstract: In this research project we compared the keeping quality of fruits harvested in plots fertilized during the last three years with 0, 13, 27, 40 and 54 lbs of nitrogen/acre. The nitrogen treatments were applied on small plots of 10 X 13 feet and split into four applications during bloom. The treatments were replicated two times per site in each of one organic and three conventional sites. The nitrogen fertilization had an effect on the keeping quality in both conventional and organic sites, with the best keeping quality obtained with a nitrogen fertilization of 0 or 13 lbs/acre (10% cumulative defects after 12 weeks). The worst keeping quality was obtained with a nitrogen fertilization of 54 lbs/acre (10% cumulative defects after 6 weeks). Most of the differences in keeping quality between treatments were related to fruit rot. As expected, the total percent weight of fruits smaller than 13/32 inches decreased and the number of white fruits increased as the amount of nitrogen fertilization increased. The highest average yield in the conventional sites was obtained in plots treated with 54 lbs of nitrogen/acre (43195 lbs/acre). It was closely followed by the plots treated with 27 and 40 lbs of nitrogen/acre (40 954 lbs/acre 35 876 lbs/acre respectively). Considering the keeping quality and the yield, the best nitrogen fertilization for fresh fruits in Quebec, based on this trial, seems to be between 27 and 40 lbs/acre, which confirms the standard recommendation in fresh fruit fertilization.Publication Cranberry field rot, storage rot, fresh fruit keeping quality and yield in Washington as a function of variety, type of fungicide(s) applied, and the number and timing of applications(2017-08-28) Patten, Kim; Metzger, Chase; Bellamy, DavidAbstract: Replicated trials were conducted on cranberry beds with high levels of fruit rotting pathogens to assess fungicide effects on field rot, storage rot and yield. There was considerable variability between years, experiments and fungicide treatments. A few patterns emerged. Chlorothalonil applied early to mid-bloom consistently increased yield of marketable fruit (22 ± 9%) and reduced fruit rot (46 ± 8.6%). Similar patterns in fruit rot reduction were noted with combinations of azoxystrobin and prothioconazole and other combinations of groups 11 and 3 fungicides applied during bloom, but the effects on yield were less consistent. In multiple trials comparing the efficacy of single commercial fungicides applied during bloom, carboxamide + fluopyram, prothioconazole, and chlorothalonil all consistently increased yield and reduced fruit rot. Field and storage rot were assessed in decade-long variety trials in Oregon and Washington. Trials in Washington were fungicide-free. Crimson Queen, Scarlet Knight and BG’s had consistently higher field and storage rot than other new releases and standard comparisons. 2015 and 2016 packout data (% poor, 3 and 6 week keeping quality) from Washington’s fresh fruit growers was analyzed as a function of growers’ fungicide programs. Pre-bloom applications appear to have had little impact on fruit rot. Beds with 5-6 in-bloom fungicides had better quality fruit than beds with fewer fungicide applications. Prothioconazole was the most effective in-bloom fungicide. Post-bloom chlorothalonil applications improved fruit quality.Publication Armored scale (Diaspididae) outbreaks in Massachusetts cranberry(2017-08-30) Averill, Anne; Sylvia, MarthaAbstract. Elevated populations of several new insect pests proved challenging to pest management programs that aimed to reduce inputs or eliminate broad-spectrum insecticides. Over the past 5 years, two species of armored scale, Dearness scale and more importantly Putnam scale, swept across a quarter of the MA cranberry acreage. Injury created multiple dead areas on beds. Management relied on an organophosphate spray at onset of bloom and timing was tricky, targeting the short-lived and vulnerable crawler stage. Additionally, over two different seasons, two species of tiny chrysomelid beetle, still unidentified, formed huge populations that fed on new growth and flowers. In 2017, sharp-nosed leafhoppers flooded sweep net samples at two sites, creating concern that blunt-nosed leafhopper, the vector of the phytoplasma that causes false blossom, would also soon be discovered. There are huge advantages to grower adoption of selective insecticides, but unexpected outbreaks may continue to disrupt our best-laid plans.Publication Performance of Welker, Haines and other advanced selections in regional trials(2017-08-28) Vorsa, Nicholi; Johnson-Cicalese, Jennifer; Patten, Kim; Bouska, Cassie; Donaldson, RobertAbstract. The objective of this study was to assess advanced selections from Rutgers cranberry breeding program, along with recently released cultivars, for their performance in different cranberry growing regions. Results are presented from trials in New Jersey, Wisconsin, Oregon, and Washington. The trials were evaluated for plant vigor, yield, berry weight, fruit rot, other relevant diseases, and fruit chemistry (TAcy, Brix, titratable acidity and proanthocyanidin). Differences were found between locations in cranberry performance. Fruit in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) is smaller (a trial mean of 1.3g/berry) compared to NJ (2.3g). The Oregon trial had the highest mean TAcy (73mg/100g fruit) and Brix (10.1% soluble solids) of any growing region. Wisconsin trials typically exhibit the highest yields. Although highly variable, Wisconsin also had less fruit rot (a trial mean of 4.4% rotted fruit), especially compared to New Jersey (35%). Differences were apparent between locations in cultivar performance as well. Welker, for example, had exceptional establishment and high early yields, but was more susceptible to fruit rot and would not be as well suited to the Northeast. Our breeding program continues to address the changing needs of the cranberry industry, including increasing fruit rot resistance (FRR), climatic adaptation (heat stress), and varieties suited for current major products, e.g., sweetened dried cranberries (SDC). For example, the fruit color criteria has changed for some SDC’s processes (i.e. very high Tacy is unacceptable), making later ripening selections such as NJS98-11 better suited for high TAcy growing regions, e.g., PNW. In Oregon, NJS98-11 had a mean TAcy of 28mg/100g fruit, compared to Stevens at 70mg/100g FW or Scarlet Knight, 191mg/100g FW. Increasing fungicide restrictions and fruit rot pressure has made the development of FRR cultivars a high priority. Promising first generation FRR breeding selections have been developed and are performing well in WA, WI, and NJ trials. Second and 3rd breeding cycle populations derived from FRR selections have now been planted in three locations.